Hi All- Just an FYI on the forums I changed my name from LilyAndOwen’sMom to TeachingMyToddlers. I am in the process of setting up a blog by the same name and since I may refer back to this site I wanted some continuity.
I know this is random, I just didn’t want to confuse anyone when they see the same avatar, etc.
HAHA, I think I have reached the end of the line Nikita! I plan to change the blog name down the road when my youngest is 4, so it will be a while. Probably to LifeWithL&O or something like that. But for my purposes now, it works.
Thanks guys- some showed up, some didn’t, I need to have my tech guy take a look at it for me (aka my husband!). Hopefully he will get to fix it soon, he is swamped with real work…websites that actually pay him, unlike me. lol
Ok, he fixed it. I pretty much don’t know what I’m doing and accidentally changed a setting, it’s all there now! Thanks for the support ladies.