know more bout babies share more bout them

Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adult we have only 206 in our bodies. The reason? Some bones fuse together later.

Babies are always born with blue eyes, within a few moments of delivery their eye color can change.

Babies are born with swimming abilities and can naturally hold their breath. However, they shortly lose this instinct.

Thanks for the tidbits! Karma to you! :slight_smile:

Babies are born without kneecaps.

Reading to your child at ANY age will increase their knowledge.

lots of interesting information karma for you

Scientists in Norway videoed babies who were delivered onto their mothers’ tummies, and found to their astonishment that if left to their own devices, the babies used their limbs in a slow but coordinated way to crawl up and reach the breast where they then latched on and fed unaided.

Interesting!! That’s exactly what Glenn Doman says newborns do in Alaska (or somewhere in the North Pole).

Babies who hear lots of words will understand more words and perhaps begin to speak sooner.

hey its great topic. thats interesting

A newborn baby’s head accounts for about one-quarter of it’s entire weight.

Children born in the month of May are on the average 200 grams heavier at birth than children born in any other month.

In January, 2005, a Brazilian woman gave birth to a baby weighing 16.7 pounds. :ohmy: (OUCH)

The U.S. has one of the highest rates of multiple births, while Japan has one of the lowest, with multiple births occurring one in 120 births.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

My baby is 3 months and 1 week old. About month ago I’ve started reading program. Few days ago he started to roll over and since then he lost interest in reading.

He doesn’t look at cards only into my eyes ALL THE TIME.
Anyone experience something like that?

Any suggestions how to put him back on track??


All newborn babies have a pug nose. The bridge of the nose isn’t there at birth - it grows later - so babies have a small `button’ nose.

Any hair that is on your newborn baby’s head will soon fall out - to be replaced by permanent hair (which may be of an entirely different colour) at about six months.

Four out of ten babies are born with at least one birthmark.

Contrary to the old wives’ tale, babies are not colour blind. They prefer strong primary colours - particularly red and blue.

The heart of a newborn baby beats between 130 and 160 times a minute (about twice that of a normal adult).

Babies breathe much faster than adults - 30 to 50 times a minute compared to an adult’s 15 to 20 times a minute.

Newborn babies spend between 15 and 20 hours a day sleeping - in bouts of sleep lasting 20 minutes to 5 ho

In the first year of his life your baby will triple his weight, increase his length by 50%, double the size of his brain and create every nerve cell he will ever have.

Babies sometimes need background noise to help them get to sleep (the womb is not the quietest place in the world). Some sounds that are known to relax and soothe babies include: a recording of their mother’s heartbeat; the sound of a clock ticking; a recording of a stream, waterfall or sea; a vacuum cleaner; air bubbling through a fish tank; running water from a tap.

Human babies are the only primates to smile at their parents. :slight_smile:

It is said kissing has origins in the primitive practice of weaning.

Earlier, people would chew their baby’s food and then pass it from their mouth to their baby’s mouth.