KL How did you introduced Felicity to early learning programme

Hi KL,
What product you used to stimulate your daughter’s brain.I mean what did you used first Dvd’ or Flash cards or some other material??? How did you continue on your daughter’s learning pathway.And what products are you using for her???


Hi Sapna,

Here’s a general list of what we did:


  • Baby Plus
  • Singing
  • massaging/kick-response
  • story-reading (especially "Oh Baby The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss)


  • infant stimulation cards
  • music played in the background
  • foreign language cds played in the background
  • maximizing tummy-time
  • Glenn Doman crawling track
  • Glenn Doman flashcards (words and math dots)
  • brachiation
  • powerpoint slides
  • YBCR
  • home-made personalized books (like LR’s current PRINT function)
  • early version of LR
  • karaoke sing-along
  • swimming
  • lots and lots of books
  • lots of DHA

She began attenting pre-nursery just before 2, and now she’s in first year kindergarten (just turned 3). She does most of her learning through that now, though she still reads a lot with us at home (eg., bedtime story every night without fail).

wooohhhhhhhhhh so much of things u r doing with ur daughter.I thought u have used tweedle wink.Hows YBCR? r they good? but i have heard that they use left brain stimulation?? is it correct?? i wanna buy it and so aking u whether to buy YBCR or tweele wink??


KL, you had “- lots of DHA” on your list. I’m sorry if this is a silly question, but what does DHA stand for??


It’s an omega 3 fatty acid found in breastmilk and fish. It is said to have many benefits, including aiding in brain development and memory.

I am curious though, what forms of DHA do you give her? Do you have drops or what?

Even i am curious to know what kind of DHA you are using?? I breastfed my son till 28 months but now i have weaned him off.So can i give him DHA other than breastmilk??If yes than what kind of DHA i can use ??


Yeah, that’s the same question in my mind. I’m curious what kind are you giving Felicity.
Because my son is taking DHA Junior Liquid for how many months now
aside from eating fish ( which he really likes ).
An alternative doctor here recommends it. But up to now I still don’t know if it’s ok to give DHA and Vit. C (from Twinlab) at the same time. Some doctors recommend that after giving Vit C, I should wait for 20 min. to give
the DHA. Other doctors say it’s ok if you give DHA right after Vit. C. I hope I could find some article or research
regarding this.

Anyway, what foreign language cds in specific are you using? where to buy that?


I should have known, lol!

I actually take Omega-3, and am still breastfeeding. Do you think that is enough, or should I give her a supplement as well?

It is naturally found in breastmilk, so if you are taking it too, then she is getting plenty!

I did use Tweedlewink but only recently cos I only found out about it through this Forum… lol

Don’t worry about this left/right brain thing. Left-brain learning is essential too. YBCR is excellent, and is somethign I would highly recommend.
If I were to start again, I would buy both, because they serve different purposes. Whichever my child would like more, that would be what I would play more.

Oh, and about DHA…

We have all the while been buying DHA capsules that you find in a pharmacy (typically yellow transparent ‘egg-shape’ type capsules. There are often many different brands, so compare the ‘specs’ thoroughly. Also, I notice they sell “Omega 3” and “DHA” separately, and I think there is SOME difference, so I’ve never bought Omega 3, but only DHA.

Soon after birth, we would put the capsules into the milk while the milk is hot, to let them melt. It does make the milk (and bottle!) quite oily though. It also makes it little ‘fishy’ in smell, but Felicity drank it happily, which was great. Later on, we would try mixing it into food (you prick the capsule first to let out all the oil, and just mix the oil). Nowadays, we just give it to her the oil every morning in a spoonful mixed with something else that’s sweet, to mask the taste.

Re breastmilk, that’s absolutely right. And not only that, we read somewhere that it’s also useful during pregnancy as it would find its way to the fetus’ nutrition intake, which is why during pregnancy, my wife took a lot of DHA pills.