Kindergarten advice please :)

I need your advice. My son will be 5 in June and start Kindergarten this fall. I did some early learning with him and he was reading at 3.5. At 4 he entered Montessori preschool (3-6 yo class), by this time he was reading at grade 3 level, counting to 100, doing addition and subtraction etc. It was mostly for improvement of his English, his third language. I’m Polish, my husband is French and we live now in USA. DS speaks polish like native, his french is a little weaker but he can still speak fluently and his english now is somewhere in between.

Now the story :slight_smile: We are sure that a typical public K is not a right fit for him so we searched alternative solutions :slight_smile: There is a Montessori School (grades K - 6th) in just a couple of minutes from our house. It’s a tuition free charter school. What I like about this school that there is not a daily homework :slight_smile: A school day ends by 3.30, Friday at 12 Pm. There is an after care available but not really the after school program applied. They have just chess and something else, I think.

There is also a French - American school . It’s also tuition free charter school but much much bigger than this Montessori school. The biggest problem is that there is 25 miles from where we live now. They do there a mix of French and American programs, but at Kindergarten is like 90/10 french/english. By grade 6 is mostly 50/50 (with STEM subjects always in english). They have a really nice after school program, with music, art, chess, even Lego and robotics teams and code learning :slight_smile:

DS has a little sister (she is almost 3) and a little brother (almost 1,5 yo). DD can go to preschool but I think I will let her with me for some more time. She is just about to reading and starting simple math and I will share these moments with her :slight_smile:

Any advice welcomed :slight_smile: I’m brainstorming for weeks now and can’t take any decision. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Take the montossori. :slight_smile:
I always say if you can’t decide take the closer one. If it doesn’t work out you can switch later. Since your child is already fluent in French the kindy French curriculum is likely to be mostly review for him.
Montossori is usually better at providing for advanced children.
The after-school care is a bonus not a deciding factor. Plus their are usually alternative options for this one.

Yep, def the closer one! You will thank yourself later. OR consider moving if you really plan to but all of your kids in that particular school for the next few years. But commuting a long ways with children 5 days a week is no fun.

I would go with Montessori. My daughter went there for a year and we loved it. I went through parents class and fell in love with it. After all Larry Page and Sergey Brin went to Montessori and they created Google!
Also French? I mean you guys live in US, French is nice as a second-third language, but 90% of curriculum in French is really too much.

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