my kid likes to scream… sometimes he sceams with no reason … we tried asking him to stop it, but he won’t listen and continue his scream… we tried put him at a “naughty” corner… he keeps laughing, and thought we are playing with him… omg… he scream anywhere,… library , in car, at restaurant…
any ideas how to control such action? Btw, he is 26months now
If he is laughing he thinks it is a game. You need to teach him it isn’t a game and that it is unpleasant for you. You could talk about it, in a simple way cover your ears and show pain, but probably best to just leave the room, saying “I don’t want to hear that horrible noise goodbye.” go to another room, if he follows say “this is a quiet room, if you can’t be quiet stay out there please” don’t place too much attention to the behaviour. Just walk away.
In the car I would pull over and wait for him to stop. Even getting out if need be. You will probably be late the first time!
My little guy got startled today and screamed qustion mark and free shipping. I could not stop laughing at the words he chose.
Have you tried the classic indoor voice game with him? I have been teaching my son indoor voice and feet vs. outdoor voice and feet. He hasn’t started yelling yet but I want to be prepared.