Kids & pets?

Ok, here’s one for you all.

Do your kids have pets? What kind? How old were your kids when they got their pets?

I was thinking about getting a pet but I wanted to weigh the pros and cons and other people’s opinions first.

So, what do you think?

My 5 year old has a turtle. She loves the thing! I think it teaches kids responsibility when they have something to take care of.

I am fond of pets. We have a dog and my sister has many canaries that sing very nice but… becarefull if your child presents bronquious problems, In Peru we have a lot of humidity and many kids suffer with respiration problems. The doctors usually recomend to avoid pets because of the hairs that fell down from them.

One the other hand if your child does not have that problem and his health is good i would recomend to get a pet (if you don’t have already) when your kid is old enough to take charge of some chores as taking the dog out or giving him his meals etc etc. Maybe at 5-6 yrs old?

We have a dog, a cat and a fish. I had them since before he was born. It’s good b/c my son learns how to care for them. He helps me feed and water them. They’re his buddies too. He chases the dog around the house lol

If you’re getting a pet just make sure it’s a gentle one and you give them both time to get acquainted.

we have a dog and some fish. at first the kids tried to feed the fish cereal and stuff, but now that they’ve been around eachother for a while it is getting easier. they still think they need to hold the fish though, I found my 4 year old with his arm in the tank up to the shoulder trying to pet them. definately, if you have aquatic pets get a locking lid or put something heavy on it to keep the kids from falling in.

what animal would be suitable for a 3 year old who is in that hitting and rough stage with animals? Would it be wise to wait till after this phase or getting one now will hopefully teach her to be kind? I was thinking a rabbit for a 3rd birthday present or not a good idea as they are fragile?

I am in Australia and I have never met a fragile rabbit! But I do think kids will learn to be gentle with their own pet. Take it away from them if they are rough.

Although I do not have children, but in the future I also intend to pet with him, learn how to treat life protection of animals and beneficial to his growth :nowink:

We have a crazy cat. It scraches everyone but for the child. And it pees everywhere too. So I wouldn’t advise having any pets at home, especially cats.

Rabbits are a lot of work so unless you are prepared to take care of a rabbit don’t get one.
I have a dog and cats with my baby and it’s not as big of a deal as some here make it out to be. You just cannot expect to get a pet and have your child be responsible for it. Expect that you will be the primary caregiver and teach your child to help out.

cdcvalenti I ended up buying her a rabbit for her birthday last May. Having a rabbit hasn’t been a lot of work. He is toilet trained, very friendly, nails regularly cut, he loves going for walks on his leash, he runs around inside but he malts like there is no tomorrow. Oh and the little bugger chews our furniture! We have no regrets in buying the rabbit, the most expensive thing is his vaccinations. 69 euro for a rabbit!!! The rabbit only cost 9 euro :ohmy:

Nic, glad you made the right choice. We can’t have a rabbit in Queensland as a pet ( unless I am a magician by trade!) they are a national pest here. We would love one though!
As an alternative to a rabbit, some might consider a chicken. we have 5 chickens and although 3 of them are HUGE old heritage breeds ( oh so very beautiful, but many people have dogs much smaller) we also have two bantams ( miniature chickens) that are just so fluffy, docile and still lay eggs. Toilet training a chicken would be entertaining though… :wacko:

Generally all kids like pets very much. I have also a pet like lab puppy, so my baby is always being happy with him and both are playing with each other as well. There is no problem playing with a pet but after that you should clean your baby using germ free liquid and water which is important otherwise infection is caused.

We have a golden fish. I have my son He has 1.6 year old Every day he would see the fish in the sink with great interest. I think animals are important to the development of young children. Culture it makes them happy.If he grows up a little, maybe we have a dog I think the animals turn into best friends for kids. :clown: lol

I think pets are a great way to teach responsibility, but you should be prepared to take care of whatever animal you buy 100%. It’s really probably going to end up being YOUR pet that your kid will play with :P. I would recommend a gentle breed of dog for a young child. Smaller animals can be more finicky and fragile. A big, goofy dog will be able to take anything your child will be able to dish out and will love him or her for it :slight_smile:

We had a black lab for a few years before DD was born and the two of them are totally in love. He has treated her like his own baby since she was able to play him. He loves to sleep in her bed and cuddle too :slight_smile:

I want to train a goldfish someday.

But for now, my son is tickled pink to have about 20 pill bugs. We made them a habitat. We can’t have formal pets here as renters, but this is a fine substitute.

Hey we have a dog (Labrador). My six years old brother play with him. Even always have him in his room. Feed him, take him out and play all the time with him. Labradors are always calm and gentle type of dogs so we can have them with the kids.

We have a rabbit at home. Her name is Dheehi. We had her for the past 7 years. She is toilet trained and
she is never caged roams freely all over our house. My son is 6 months old. Now she has started to acknowledge him. They have started the process of bonding :smiley:

We have a cat but she is crazy and my kid does not play with her. My husband wants to buy a hamster for the kid but I am not sure that the crazy cat of ours won’'t be bullying the hamster. I do not even know what to do. :frowning:

As we know very well that kids loves pet. I have a cute pet and my kids daily playing with it. Having a pet is good for us to grow up our kids development.