Kids in Georgia needs your help!

Hello, everyone.
I just can not keep silence. I am sure that you all know what is happening in Georgia now. I live in Ukraine and after Russian invasion to Georgia I can not sleep calm. We all have little kids here. And I urge you to think what would happen if a bigger and stronger neighbor came to your home and made you do what they wanted. I am against war. And I hope that we’ll avoid it in our country (though here in Ukraine we have the Crimean peninsula which is the titbit for Russia). Please, help Georgians who die in their own home trying to drive out the aggressor. If you are not indifferent to this problem, go to and vote for helping Georgia in the quickvote “Should the international community intervene in the fighting in Georgia?”. it is in the right part of this page, a bit lower of main news. It is the least of what the public can do for people there.
Thank you, everyone.
P.S. If you have any questions, I’ll answer them all.

Yes, I see it on the news a lot (I’m wondering whether they chose to coincide it with the Olympics so it wouldn’t get as much press coverage).

Hope everything gets settled soon… :unsure:

I was wondering…I heard it called “ethnic cleansing” on the news :frowning: Aren’t they all the same race (looks and all) and religion and everything?

I voted. I think the western military should concentrate on other things besides Iraq and afghanistan… there’s plenty more dictators out there to target…but we just let them keep getting away with their atrocities. I’m teaching azaria chinese, because maybe one day she can rise up and do something about the poor little baby girls abandoned in orphanages over there, tied to chairs all day, because of the one-child policy. This world is full of barbarians and evil atrocites. I’d adopt them myself except it’s extremely expensive and a very difficult stringent process. I’m trying to keep my mouth shut and not get political, but all I can do currently to protest against the Chinese government is have lots of babies myself, to revel in my freedom to enjoy and appreciate my fertility and my right to motherhood. it saddens me how many little kids are missing out on the basic necessities. Like the orphanage the US troops found in Iraq last year, where sick disabled boys were tied to their cots, starving and near death, surrounded by their own faeces, while the staff where well fed, and their were store=loads of new clothes and supplies for the children. We are a sick sick world. Why do they make adoption so impossible that only celebrities can afford it?
And yes, this morning The Australian SAS invaded some afghani taliban thing and captured the leader… and the news stated they chose the timing to co-incide with the olympics to take the Taliban off-guard.

Thanks to all who voted to support Georgia in its struggle.
My friend from Georgia wrote me that Russians seemed to stay there for a long time. What a shame! They call themselves “peacekeepers” and rob people’s homes. The soldiers maraud. at the same time Russian president and prime minister say that they withdraw all their military forces from Georgia. I think that history has taught Russian leaders nothing.
But I think that the good news is that world community has given a very sharp assessment to Russian actions. Hope it will make Medvedev and Putin think about circumstances of their deed.
Thanks again to all who is not indefferent.

I’ve been watching the Russian news( in Russian, so I dont understand a word of it), but the new Russian President looks decent, like he might be reasonable… or was that cos I thought he was really handsome??? His body language seemed to say he wasnt evil… but I’m not over there to see what’s really going on…