Kids and exercise

It is so important that our children have good meals, but is also important that they learn from childhood the importance of exercise.

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I agree its so important. I heard on a podcast yesterday that children that are having trouble behaving and learning do better if they exercise daily and go to bed much earlier.

E dont like sleeping early as she take nap on afternoon from 2.30 to 4 now a days

I think they were just implying that kids need lots of sleep, each child is different. I’m sure napping counts too :slight_smile:

My girl does not like to sleep on the afternoon (no naps) and she is only 28 months :blink:
some days she does take a nap. and she does not sleep befour 9pm. at 8 am (or before) she is already awake, can you believe??? I realy don’t know what to do. Some device??? :blush:

L and J, I believe you! Wish I had some advice for you, but I don’t. I can say that my daughter is also 28 months. She rarely naps in the afternoon. She doesn’t go to sleep until 11pm and sometimes it is midnight or later. She wakes up before 9 in the morning.

I have accepted that my daughter does not require as much sleep as the average child. She is happy/content most of the time. Of course, one could always do more, but my daugter is reasonable active, so I don’t think her lack of sleep is effecting her.

zaku take long naps during the afternoon,so he sleeps late at night. if he misses his afternoon nap he would be frustrated.otherwise he would be happy and enjoying

I found the following link very informative. Please check the link so that you will be able to identify some of the exercises that you can do with your baby

thanx xia

i like the site

My children sleep early and wake up early too. I think they exercise all day, because we play all the time and this year my older one started to study at school, so, there she also exercises. Everything must be taught, how to eat well and even to understand some foods can bring bad effects to our life, to our teeth, it is unhealth or not, but children don´t need to be adult enough to worry with it, mainly because, who feeds them are we:parents. So, our part is take care of everything they do.

Child always exercise their body when they are awaken. Its their regular exercise to walk on floor and run after us. They get sleeps early and fresh when they are awake. So there is no need to do any exercise for kid. Kids always exercises.

Here are some interesting reads on the topics of sleep and exercise that you may find helpful:

Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

It is a little tedious, but very interesting. I am “reading” it in audio book form from audible. I think if I read in print I might not be able to get through it as the author is sometimes very scientific.

The No Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers:

The author also has one specifically for naps which I haven’t read. I was such a skeptic on this book. But wouldn’t you know it is actually working! My son is sleeping so much better and he even sleeps through the night more and more. I believe sleep and exercise are both so important. I hope this helps some of you.

Children need exercise – structured or not ( it really depends on the child), they need to have a way to get out their energy.

We do different fun exercise activities, take long walks on the beach, do toddler exercise video, dancing. And 4 months ago we got toddler/child exercise gym – and that was literally a lifesaver for cold rainy days, when we were not able to go for long exercise on the beach

I definitely see the difference when my kids got their energy out or when they have not, – they are much happier, sleep better and much easier to work with, even their learning times are more productive. So I am all for exercise!!

Kids do exercises whenever they are woke up. I think they exercise all day, because we play all the time and this year my older one started to study at school, so, there she also exercises. Everything must be taught, how to eat well and even to understand some foods can bring bad effects to our life.

Exercise is very important chapter .it is not matter what our child do physically the whole day but it matters as if a lesson should he\she practice the whole life.
I followed a book" What to expect… and some parenting related magazine of India found that if a mother exercises the child interest on it twice,if father does it becomes fourth times and if both parents are doing it becomes 8 times of interest ,the child has.Add these in daily routine ,it will work.
my Lil also 28 month,his father also lazy fellow, does not want to get up in the early morning, not the daily but started with her father,she enjoys Indian yogic posture,learnt a difficult posture from 7 month.We are doing for her,she enjoys jogging, hip hop, and some other relaxation methods.
for height and overall growth ,both the nutrition and exercise needed.
I keep on messages weekly 4 days which covers skin care and exercises. .She enjoys a lot.
It is obvious of skipping of exercises in any day, she mayn’t do on that day ,i plan for these activity in evening time which helps her early sleeping.
Evening walk compulsory with her,she can walk to market,she hardly ask for taking her on me.Hope for the best, :smiley:
I started, now she can balance.So you can add some physical activities,she must enjoy and you must have precious funny moments and lose some unsaturated fat!!! :smiley: :biggrin:

I always think exercise is improtant, as much as sleep. When kids exercise, their bodys and brains woks together. This is great for them.

I agree that exercise is essential for all growing child to make them healthy and good for their development. It’s help them to growing fast and make them strong. Food is also plays essential role to development of kids body and brain.

Exercise, adequate nutrition, and good sleep habits are so important for developing bodies. Beginning with good habits early is so important and impacts their future health.