Kid updates

It’s been awhile since I have been up here. I thought I give an update and I hope to hear some updates from anyone else.

Micah is 2 1/2 and he is doing great. He reads at a second grade level and he is learning his math facts now. He is also learning to read Spanish now. He is still obsessed with shapes and talks about them all day.

Hannah is 4 and she is a fun challenge. I have learn to keep her lessons separate from her brothers as she gets performance anxiety. I want her to be happy where she is at but she thinks she needs to be at her older brother’s level. She is in 1st grade math and reading. She still loves acting and putting on shows.

Josiah just turned six and is my more athletic one. He loves math too. He is finishing up second grade math. He reads at a third grade level. He is enjoying learning the abacus as well.

In the last year, the iPad has become our go to learning tool. I want to share apps that are working for us and I hope to hear of apps that are working for everyone else.

Montessori math by les 3 Elle’s - we have both the one digit and multiple digit app. The one digit version has been a fantastic tool for Micah and Hannah. The multi digit has been great for Josiah in giving him a concrete understanding of regrouping in subtraction and addition.

Addimals is great for teaching addition math facts to the kids. The bummer is that they haven’t come out with subtraction yet.

Finger Math abacus is what I am using for Josiah and I reinforce it with Abacus Rush.

Creature Math by PBS WildKrats: this is okay practice in my book but it is a favorite of the kids especially by Hannah.

Splash Math 2nd grade. Josiah was in mammoth math but I couldn’t print out worksheets so we end up doing this. It has worked out fine. It’s very thorough and keeps reports on how they are doing in each chapter. It doesn’t really teach concepts thoroughly in my opinion, but I am okay with filling in the blanks.

Splash Math 1st grade. I prefer Mammoth math but we just finished the last printed worksheet for Hannah. We will have to get along with this and I am sure it will turn out just fine. I just think MM does such a great job that I prefer it. The kids prefer anything on the iPad over paper though so Hannah is happy to use this app.

Todo telling time-a great app but no multiple user feature. It’s very fun for the kids and there are lots of baby steps into each concept more than I thought one could need. It turns out great for Hannah as she likes this style of learning.

Reading and spelling
Spellosaur and the webster spelling book list. This is working out fine for us for spelling.

Super Why Phonics Fair. This has helped a lot with Hannah to be a more confident and happier reader. She realized she could read more than she thought. She would just get overwhelmed by too many words (more than three) on a page and would deny that she could sound the words out let alone read. Thankfully she is reading whole books happily.

Little Reader for Spanish- really happy about this. I wish Little Musician had an app because I don’t have a computer anymore so we have lost out on using that.


Not a fan of stack the states anymore. I just doesn’t fit my kids’ learning style as they didn’t really seem to be learning. I use RoxyStar for Hannah and Micah and State Bingo and crossword for Josiah. Lots more learning going on here.

LabelED is a new favorite and I use for both geography and science. It is a neat customizable app. You can take an image of a map or science diagram and add your own labels. Then it connects those labels to Wikipedia for in depth learning at your kids fingers. You can do several different kinds of quizzes to reinforce learning and it keeps a record of the quiz grades and progress. The label pins and font are smaller than I like but other than that I have no other complaint. This has been fun for learning about the skeleton, ancient Mesopotamia, and such.

For Extra fun

Kodables and leapfrog robot game.

Teach me 1st and 2nd grade. They like this just for fun.

Kiddzu sketch pad. Fun step by step learn to draw app.

Rocket speller plus for extra spelling fun.

We will officially be keeping attendance for homeschooling this summer and I decided to try the homeschool helper app. Anyone use this at all?

Well that is what we are up to theses days. So how is everyone else doing?

Congratulations for this progress. It is also great to hear from you.

Hi Cokers! Good to hear from you again. It sounds like your kids are doing very well! Very impressive to have 2 year old reading at second grade! Thanks for the list of apps, I will have to check them out.

My oldest just turned 4. She has finally started grasping and maybe even enjoying math. She flew through Singapore Essentials Kindergarten in about a month. This past month she has completed about 1/4 of Singapore 1. That is even while we are using the textbook, workbook, extra practice book, intensive practice book, and the challenge word problem! :biggrin: She is reading at a high first grade or low second grade level. She is doing about 5 lessons a day in First Language Lessons. If I had realized just how slowly it moved, we would have gone a different route with that! She loves drawing and is using DWN, and Art for Kids on YouTube. Also, she is doing Soft Mozart and really enjoying it!

My youngest is 6 months. She is about 40 lessons into LR, LM, and LMs. She only does one session a day and then does flash cards also. She loves it! She is already crawling too!


I just popped back in to see how everyone is and found updates:)

So glad that you are having such success! Any new videos?!

Now I feel incredibly guilty! Last time I updated you were pregnant…now you have a crawler!
Congrats, congrats, congrats:)

I love reading updates. Makes me more inspired to teach my child.
Congratulations :slight_smile:

Oh my! Now I was checking my last updates and what I saw is a lot of . I did not write that!

I only wrote:

Congratulations for this progress. It is also great to hear from you.

Mario, no worries. This is a programming bug, that our programmers are trying to pin point, where “pic bun” words string suddenly appears in one of the posts. Sorry about that! And I edited that out :yes:

Thanks Skylark. I feel relieved. I was worried my acount had been hacked because I had one account hacked some days ago in another website.

Happy to help :slight_smile: !

Impressive Cokers! I’m inspired to hear such progress and dedication. Will try out some of the programs you are using for my son. :slight_smile:
Keri, Alex is just phenomenal, 4th grade math at 5!!!

Re updates on Cammie, my eldest at 5.7 yo - she recently took a WPPSI (battery of IQ tests) for school-placement purposes and got a 99.95 percentile score. The school who admisnitered recommended her to apply to MENSA and we are awaiting verification from their Intl psychologist. The administering psychologist said she flat-out said “I don’t know” to a handful of easier math questions and would have gotten a much higher score if she had given answers. The test took a tedious 5-hours time to complete and given her inherent impatience, I bet she was trying escape the test session.

Her reading level is at grade level 7.8 and oral expression at grade 9.5, both high-school levels. Her math is at grade 4 level and she was noted to give careless answers. Additionally, she has been diagnosed with hyperactivity (HA) and got a level 2.2 at listening comprehension. Her eyes and hands would seek something to do to occupy themselves and she would just half-heartedly listen.

She is now enrolled at a gifted school with a mix of grade 2 and 3 subjects and will take another assessment after 6 months for advancement. This will allow her writing/motor skills to catch-up.

As for Robert, my 2.7 yo, he is spelling 2nd grade level words and reading at 3rd grade level. He does crosswords in Montessori Crossword and spells with a bunch of other spelling games. He would spell orally from memory-words I didn’t teach. Lastweek, he spelled the numbers one to twenty for his grand-mother, with words that has blends and silent letters such as “eight”, “two”, and “one”. He wasn’t asked to spell these before and has no practice. I noticed He kept looking up, which means he is accessing his visual memory of the words.

He “plays” with his piano everyday but doesn’t take formal lessons. He is in-love with a PC-based music game, Synthesia, and would sit for hours in front of it and the piano, often trying out string of notes as they “fall”. I’m happy that he has retained his perfect pitch and now can effortlessly identify 7-8 notes in succession by ear.

He plays with math games in the iPad such as Adding Apples and Todo Math and would mostly get correct answers. He is also currently interested with some IQ games like Quizful and would analyze the instructions and answers by himself.

I missed this forum so much and am so glad to hear about like-minded parents. Please keep the updates and suggestions coming!

Montessori math by les 3 Elle’s apps is really good, provides a solid foundation. Glad to see you guys are doing so well. Congrats!