My daughter and i have been reading a lot about the importance of having your baby the first minutes of his life close to the mother. We read that mother and baby should not separate after birth unless there is a medical problem that requieres it. as express by the WHO World health Organization when evidencing the steps toward breatfeeding.
Here, in Peru, the government is trying to regulate that the baby stays with the mother in the room. It is called ‘alojamiento conjunto’ like 'together
rooming’ and is the tendency but the hospitals not always follow this laws since there is no penalty if they do the contrary.
First we have most of the doctors and hospitals that prefer to do caesarea for commodity and cause they charge more for their services. So if you are sleepy
with anesthesic, you can not keep your child.
If your baby came from vaginal delivery they usually take the baby to the babies room to do them the tests according to the hospital’s policy.
If this where the case, how can you defend against them taking your child or how do you know it is really required for medical reasons? Just have to trust the doctors or the hospital?
I will like you to share your experience during your baby’s birth.
Sorry i can not give you my experience cause my last ‘baby’ was born 27 years ago and many new discoveries have arouse in the mean time.
Please try to answer the following:
- Was it vaginal delivery or caesarea
- Did you had skin to skin contact with your baby as soon as he was born, for how long?
- or how many minutes after birth did you keep your baby in the same room and if it was taken, for how long?