Just Recently Found This Site

Hi! I just recently found this site. Wish I had found it three years ago. This is all the geeky stuff that I’m into. Can’t wait to read through all the posts!

Welcome. I’m fortunate that I found this place a few months before my first child…

I started by reading through current posts, but then for the past few weeks I’ve been systematically reading certain people’s posts. I just go through their post history by clicking on their name and then clicking on “lasts posts” - I’m learning a TON by doing this, but it does take a lot of time. I figure better to learn it now so that I don’t have to scramble later on.

Good luck.

Very welcome ,I get this site also later,but i started teaching her with own content,from seven months.
As i was full time mother and she takes about 1 hour for her one intake,I used colorful books and learning CD to distract her attention and feed at time as aresult at the 8 month she can identified whole body parts and some animals.
It is not late,your baby must smart doing her play,still you have time,you can handle all these. have the start and good luck.