Just had to share. 22 month old son recognizes Motzart music.

I have been playing the Classical Magic CDs to my son (22 months) for some time now mainly in the car. In the car today I played a cd which was a Motzart collection (not classical magic). He has never heard it before and as he was falling asleep I didn’t bother telling him what it was. When we reached our destination, I woke him up and when I turned the car off he said"Bye Motzart!". I couldn’t believe it. Absolutely priceless!

Hi NBailey,

Congrats. Your hard work pays off. :slight_smile: How long have you been playing classical magic to him? Any particular method of playing ie certain songs for certian days of the week? Or do you just play the whole CD throughout? Do you say out the composer of the songs?

oh how sweet is that…Music is an important part of educating our children.

We generally just let the whole CD play in the car. I usually say the composers name and what the piece of music is while it is playing. We also sing along to the parts with words. My son has really started to show a love of composers. He insists on seeing his encyclopedic knowledge Doman cards about composers often. There is also a Little Reader Composers presentation by Pupisek that he loves. He insists on watching it again and again. When I say that it is enough for now, he will cry. At the end of last year before we told him who Santa was, he thought he was Brahms. Very funny.