Just getting started... HELP!

HI! I have a baby boy who will soon be turning 4 months. I really want to get into a reading program with him, but there are SO many out there. I think I perfer LR because of the computer, I think it will make things more eintertaining and easier. BUT I have a question… The delux kit seems to have much more to it, but the price is way to high for my budget. Is it worth saving up for or is the basic LR just as good??


You’re starting at the right time! We started our daughter with Your Baby Can Read at 8 mo and she loved it. I wouldn’t say that she can ‘read’ but she can pick some words out and it definately broadened her perspective on things like shapes, colors and animals. They are such sponges at this age, I think any program you give them is a huge plus. (way better than the junk on tv).
I’m now thinking of getting the right brain kids Tweedle Wink program and would love to hear from anyone who’s tried it. I’ve also ordered the Your Baby Can Read Spanish version.

Best of luck to you!! :slight_smile:

Hi sarakumley,

I know what you mean about the deluxe set, I was drooling over it, but just couldn’t justify it with everything else we buy for him. I think the deluxe set has a lot of extra material you can use to extend on the lessons but it isn’t necessarily stuff you need or can’t make yourself. For instance if we want to do the words with Sabian away from the computer we use a megasketcher, he loves it and he gets to erase the words which he finds very exciting.

I would recommend getting what you can and spending the extra on other programs that run parallel to this one - things like the tweedlewink

Hey susanchorn,

I am ordering the tweedlwink program today, so when it arrives I will post about our experience.