Jujubee's Progress

Hey BK Forum! It’s been a while since we’ve been on but I wanted to come back and reassure anyone who has any doubts about these EL Programs to stay strong and keep going! We started YBCR when Juju was 3 months. She is now reading, not memorizing, READING. Like going down the beer isle and reading, Rolling Rock, Bud Light, Sam Adams, or going down the cereal isle and reading all of the different labels, golden puffs, cheerios, lucky charms. When we go to restaurants she can find words we give her like, pizza, chicken, cheese, bread, etc. When she turned 12 months I stopped showing her the videos, and she only saw the cards in daycare. She knows her colors, letters, shapes, and hundreds of animals. She speaks fluent sentences in English and two-three word phrases in Spanish. Her memory is outstanding. Once she’s heard a word several times, it’s part of her vocabulary. Now she stops her friends at daycare from eating things from the floor by saying, “don’t eat that! that’s got bacteria!” The best part of this? She’s not turning two until October! Most people label her as a genius baby and can’t believe their eyes when they see what she can do. I’m not sure that this is “normal” results from 9 months on YBCR, but I have to give credit where it’s due. This program has enriched my daughter’s life, forever. Again, to anyone doubting the power of EL programs, I’d like to testify that it DOES WORK! Keep going! Read everyday! You’re doing something amazing for your child!


PS: If you request me on FB, leave a message that you’re from BK in my inbox so I can add you :wink:

Wow, good work!
Keep it going!

That’s so amazing!!!

That’s great!! I’m sure you’ve given her a lifelong love of learning!