Jones Geniuses Matrix Math Review

I have posted a full review on my blog about the Jones Geniuses Accelerated Education Matrix Math program. I know the word has spread throughout the forum and there were a lot of people interested in the program, just thought I would share the link for people wanting to know more details about how the program works, what’s included, and our experience with it,

Happy learning!

Thanks for sharing DomanMom. Actually I was visting your blog everyday to check if you have posted a review about this program.

It would be very nice if you are actively participating in this forum. I have one question for you. How far have you gone with the Doman math program. I mean have you framed any doman math curriculum beyond basic algebra, inequalities, etc.

Thank you, DomanMom, for such a detailed and comprehensive review. It is very helpful.

Thanks, DomanMom! I enjoyed reading your review. I, too, was looking for a math program that I could use after Doman Math and I was glad to have come across Dr. Jones’ Matrix Math. We started the program a few weeks ago but, as my daughter is only 2, I don’t expect to fly through the program as fast as Hunter did. It’s great to hear how he is excelling in it! Please do keep us updated on his progress through the next levels. :slight_smile:

Fantastic–thanks so much for this review. Just what I was hoping to find. I might just try it out…

This is very similar to Galt Peg Numerals

A set of numerals from 0-9, cut from thick plywood. Each numeral is a different colour and each has a number of pegs corresponding to the number it represents.
Size: 13cm high.

anybody got those at
are they the same like the ones at jone genious ??
any more reviews about the program ??