Jones Genius Math/Reading Program. What do you think??

So its been a little while since a bunch of people on the forum purchase Jones Geniuses Math and Reading Program. I’m interested to see what everyones option in now that they have received the kit and have been able to read over.

We are going really slowly on the program due to the fact that she’s only 2. We usually do a 10-15 minute session right after getting home from daycare in the early evening if she’s interested. Some days, she just isn’t in the mood for it so I let it go. Right now, she has more or less mastered steps 1-4 (count 1-20 forwards and backwards, identify which number is greater or less, count from each number forward and backward, count the dots in each number in order) and is working on steps 5-6 (memorizing and placing the dot matrix). She can place the dots correctly for numbers 1-6 and 8 but is having difficulty with 7 and 9. The next step would be addition/subtraction, but I want to make sure she has mastered all the prior steps before teaching operations.

So far, I really like the program because it is taught in small concrete steps that are not too daunting even for a very young child, but then rapidly progresses to teach addition and subtraction in a very logical way. On the other hand, it does not teach other math-related concepts like matching, sorting, patterning, sequencing, etc which is why I supplement this by using the Earlybird Kindergarten Math workbook from Singapore Math.

With regard to the reading program, in retrospect, I could have probably skipped it since my daughter is already reading pretty well and DOES NOT appreciate being asked to go back to learn the different sounds of the alphabet and rules of phonics that she has already instinctively figured out. So we have not done much with the reading program and I cannot give an opinion either way. I think that with an older child just starting to learn phonics, the reading program should work great since it IS a very well-thought out and logical program to follow. With my daughter, given her current reading level, I don’t think we’ll ever go back to using it. I think she’s more than ready for the next step. So, if anybody in the forum is interested in a partially opened, slightly used Early Reading Kit from Jones Geniuses, you can send me a PM. :laugh: :laugh:

Hello, waterdreamer. Thanks for raising this topic. I will be very interested to know your opinion as well, please.

I just received our early learning kit yesterday. After watching the DVDs I am excited to see how my 2 year old son takes to the programs. It all makes a lot of sense, is well thought out and logical. Although the materials are basic, it is great value for quite a comprehensive curriculum in comparison to others. Fancy doesn’t always mean better. This morning we worked on counting forwards and backwards (which he had almost mastered prior) and did some of the animal alphabet. He was happy to do this even though he knows the alphabet and sounds already and enjoyed seeing the animals. It will also help him to learn some of the rules he doesn’t yet know. Even though he read sight words early (he has since stopped) and can identify words correctly on a page when asked, he has never progressed to reading or working out phonics. He can do some CVC words if in the mood. I am hoping this program will take him to the next level. I will be sure to report back on his progress. We will also continue to use Earlybird Kindergarten math which my son enjoys for some other math concepts. :slight_smile: