Today James made his first little science video about condensation. His idea. He chose the topic. He “wrote” the information and he even had a demonstration with the water bottle.
I edited it into a less than a minute clip. I would love to make more of these if he is willing.
And my YouTube videos never embed. Anyone please feel free to fix that.
Thank you! I’ve been thinking about “Condensation” several times. Finally someone was able to explain this concept so that I could understand it! Thank you :biggrin:
Great idea of a video series! Keep up good work!
Well done James! What a great effort! I like the way you make it so easy for us to understand what condensation is. Plus I love the bus!
James says thanks you. He read your name as Man dab pus.
Hi Korrale4kq (or rather, James), that’s an awesome video! 8)
About embedding YouTube videos in your posts, you need to get the video’s URL (the one shown in your browser’s address bar) - just include the entire URL in your message body and that will make the actual video appear in your post. You don’t need to use the “Share” options from the YouTube page at all.
The YouTube video URL looks something like this:
(note that I added a “_” after “watch?” because if I don’t, the video will appear instead of the URL that I intend to show you)
In case you want to check if your YouTube video appears correctly before you post your message, you can click on the “Preview” button found right beside the “Post” button. As long as your message appears exactly how you want it when you check the preview, you may rest assured that it will appear the same way once you post your message.
For example, for the video you linked to earlier, just include the link “” (without “_”) in your message body.
Thanks Kezia.
I seldom access YouTube or BK on a computer so I copied the link provided by the iPad app. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.
Well. It didn’t work again. But I was able to use the link that you provided by removing the _.
To James:
You did a GREAT job. I loved your bus. You have a nice shirt and you explained condensation very, very well! Please make more videos soon. You are a clever boy and you did very good work! I am proud of you.
To MandaBPlus3
I think that you and James make a fantastic team! I loved this video and you did a fantastic job of encouraging his interest and the editing is well done. Not to showy or flashy. It is calm and keeps the focus where it belongs–on James, condensation and his bus! I hope you guys decide to make more videos.
I love it!!! Thanks James!!! :biggrin: