I've betrayed you all

So, at Baby and Me library class today we were to introduce ourselves and say how we involve literacy in our baby’s day.

I said “books.” BOOKS!?!?

When it came to my turn, all I could say was “Books”…“we read books to him”.

I’m sorry. I caved and took the easy way out…AND, to top it off, just before class I signed out GD’s “How to Multiply your Baby’s Intelligence”!!! It was in my bag right beside me!

Oh the shame… Please forgive me.

tisk tisk :wink:

I probably would have done the same. Who wants to go into a whole explanation there in the small time frame of introducing yourself.

Consider yourself forgiven lol

Haha… lol I would have done the same. I don’t tell people what I do with my son. I don’t want anyone to judge us. So, let it be. You read books! :biggrin:

lol lol lol

Karma to you anyway! :smiley:

I only explain if I am ready for an hour conversation afterwards :slight_smile: :biggrin: My kids are so different already that they stand out enough without showing off. When you get to know the group better you might try to enlighten them too. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


what can you do?! not everyone is receptive to this.
i use to tell people that my son can read and feel like a real idiot afterwards.
most of the time i get an “okay!”
i want to scream
“its not okay its amaazingg!!”

oh well.

i still make myself look silly as i want every child to beable to read and do maths and whatever else there is.

Good Answer! Mind if I borrow it next time someone asks me?

I dont’ feel betrayed at all, I feel understood. Thanks for posting.

And if it makes you feel better, my local librian totally judged me when I took out Glen Doman’s “Teach your Baby Math”. I can’t remember her exact words, but they went something to the tune of “…why don’t you just let her learn to count like everyone else does… let her pick the # of candies to which she can count out…” Even my local librian thinks I am crazy for teaching my dd at such a young age.

i want to do the same thing now!the people i have encountered always gave me a silly look after knowing that i am doing a program for my son!
so dont worry i think its instinct!