its baby boy :)

on 26th of December 2010. at 0016HRS, weight 3.48kg, very healthy. it wasn’t a natural birth, had to do emergency cesarean due to it only opened to 9cm, the baby was exhausting and so was i, the doctors were really sure on first its gonna be a normal birth. but at the last minute they had no choice but to go for it. i came home yesterday, so i really wanted to share with you all :slight_smile: , here’s a link to my baby picture of just 2 days old on my husband’s flickr photo stream. :slight_smile:

Congrats! He is beautiful.

What a doll!! So alert! Congrats!

congrats he is so cute :slight_smile:

He’s gorgeous! Congratulations!


Lovely boy :yes:

congratulation! cute boy :slight_smile:

Congratulations - he’s adorable, and so alert!

He is beautiful… Congrats :slight_smile:

im glad i got such a beautiful nephew

Thanks all.

I had an emergency cesarean also. I was in labor for three days thinking it was the early stage. My luck my OB was out of town and the on call Dr. didn’t tell me to go to the hospital until I could barely walk.