
Hi I am a homeschooling mother of two boys 3 and all most a year. I am wanting to learn sign language and be able to teach my kids. My three year old loves me to read and play cars he already knows how to add simple numbers like 1+1=2 and up to 5. I am also a military wife stationed in Italy would like to find other mothers in my area or just get to know other mothers. CJ

Hi and welcome to the forums! We are glad to have you here. Please feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions. We all can learn a lot from eachother! Let us know if you have any questions.

Hi CJ, welcome! Wow, knowing addition at 3? That’s great!

If you know Italian, you can also post on the Italian board and see whether there are other mothers in your area. Whereabouts are you? Part of our honeymoon was in Italy (Rome and Venice), and we have very fond memories!


Oh, that sounds so romantic…I have always wanted to go…I bet it’s beautiful there!

we are a out two hours north of Venice in aviano. No I do not know Italian wish we did. I have a program to teach it but have not used it that much. I do a lot of my teaching in the car while we are driving places. and I can only get to hi with adding on my hands. Thanks for the replies

so you dont speak italian?i’m polish but in Italy, Rome, and I prepare some worlds and categories in italian here, so you could use them soon