Issues with reading and would like some advice

Hi People

I was wondering if any of you had experienced this with your own child when teaching them how to read.

My DD is up to reading sentences (would hopefull be further ahead but I had to return to full time work) We do little reader every night and every morning before we go to work and mainly work on sentences. She can read hundreds of single word, couplets and three to four word phrases but when she reads a sentence she is all over the place.

An example “These flowers are purple”
My Lo " Purple are flowers"

I have pointed from left to right and my husband has pointed left to right with her. Im totally frustrated and I am beginning to think she just will not ever get it. I even cover the screen with a book and show her one word at a time and my husband and I praise her and clap her when she gets it right. Which is usually the first two sentences and then she reverts to reading the sentence from right to left.

Im concerned that this might be an issue as she gets older and starts school. She seems to want to read from right to left or just skips over words (particulalrly sight words and just reads the nouns verbs and adjectives of the sentence)

How do I get her to read from left to right? Its driving me nuts. I have been teaching her how to read since she was three months old and I always pointed from left to right but she seems determined to do it her way.

Please help!!


Ps she asks to do LR all the time (words) is what she calls it. Her language abilities are quite advanced for her age thanks to ST and LR. So I would havwe thought that a few extra words on a page would not be daunting for her maybe it is?

Hi Kimba15

Reading several words together is a real challenge for young children. It is important that your daughter recognises the words individually before she is asked to read them in a grouping. It might help if you use flashcards to construct phrases and sentences. Your daughter might enjoy placing the cards or choosing the final card. The elephant sat on the ------- (chair, balloon)
Mummy is ---------- (jumping, running, singing) The -----cat is sleeping. (black, furry, large)



My daughter did the same thing for several months it was driving me crazy. She would either get the right words but in the wrong order or totally omit words she deemed unimportant(the, are, and, it, etc…)to the story. I would just point to the words and say them in the correct order. If she omitted the word I would just point to it and say “this is the word THE”. Then I repeated the sentence (and got super excited). The most important thing is to make it fun and not sound like your correcting your child. Eventually (it was 4 months, but it felt like 4evr) the problem corrected itself and now she reads everything she can get her hands on.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for replying to my questions. Im so glad I am not the only one.

I will certaintly take on your suggestions. Im really looking forward to finishing up work and being able to spend more than 20minutes a day with her on reading and getting back into some sort of decent routine.


My daughter also did the same thing - I stuck individual words on the wall to make a sentence and let her point to the ones she fancied and say them and then I would read the sentence to her from left to right and make a big deal about what the whole sentence meant. It took a few months but she got it in the end. I also ran my fingers under the words I was reading to her in other books just so she learnt the left to right concept and never said anything while doing this.

It is frustrating, but it will happen - you just have to be patient and keep doing it.