Is your baby a short or long looker?

Is your baby a “short looker” or a “long looker”?

Some babies are long lookers and some short lookers-That is, some fix their attention for a longer period of time on a new object the first time they see it. Apparently short lookers have an advantage. Long lookers need more time to investigate the same amount of information as short lookers, and sometimes even take in less information overall than the short lookers. Research seems to suggest that short lookers are more adept at taking in and processing new information. It has even been suggested that this kind of speed of information processing might translate to better performance on an IQ test taken later in life. The researchers suggest that processing speed is built into our brains from birth and remains stable throughout life. Short lookers seem to process a visual shape by quickly scanning the entire image-long lookers spend more time on specific parts of the image.

The difference might relate to right brain verses left brain relative dominance. Our rapid presentation of visual material might actually increase the brains processing rate which has been linked to intelligence.


Good info. Thank you!