Is two and a half too late to start the Glen Doman program

My friend wants to start the Glen Doman method in reading, maths and encyclopedic knowledge but is under the impression that it is now too late (her daughter is two and a half) and that she should have started at 6 months or the very latest before her daughter was one.

I told her it was fine to start now. Is that correct? Will the flash card method still work? I dont want to give her the wrong advice. Please can anyone advise me.

It is too late to start the GD Dot math. It is not too late to start any of the other programs. I know people that began the programs at 3 and 4 years old with phenomenal results. Although it is too late for recognizing quantity that does not make it too late to learn adding, subtracting, multiplication and division facts.

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But will the adding and subtracting be taught using numerals or dots? I dont have the Glen Doman Maths book so I dont know how to advise someone on teaching Math to an older child.


I don’t think that it is too late (for EK and reading). My oldest is two and still absorbs some of it.

I think that it would work on adults with the exception of Doman math. I mean, I’m learning things left and right from everything that we are currently doing at home. :slight_smile:

I say go for it! :slight_smile:

You would teach math using numerals for older children. Babies are great at absorbing facts and they can easily memorize math facts especially through song.

Hi Celeste,

At what age the child is unable to instantly recognize quantities seems to depend upon the child. For example, Domanmom (a mom on this forum) started her son when he was 30 months. He was still able to go through the program and learn to do instant math. ( ) But I did read that it is good to teach numerals and switch to numerals before they lose the ability to see quantities. (They say it is usually around 36 months, but I’m supposing that is an average and some lose it sooner and some later.) I suppose your friend could start the math program and see, if she wants to. Even if she only makes it to 20 dots, she will be able to teach many of the math concepts using those. I would also suggest having the numbers in a grid rather than random, as older children have an eaiser time that way.
But for reading and EK, I think there would be no problem at all. :slight_smile:
P.S. For how to teach math, this link was helpful.

I agree. With math it definitely gets trickier. My son (2.5) doesn’t get the math part at all. A few lucky ones like Domanmom’s Hunter will understand so it might be worth a try, but I would say that it is rare to have a child learn that kind of perception of math at the 2-3 mark.