is the Little reader adopting concept of Glenn Doman, Shichida Method, Heguru ?

Hi there,

I am just wondering are Little reader Deluxe are adopting the concept of Glenn Doman, Shichida Method, Heguru as i was quite convinced to subscribed to The right brain Education shop. Is there any difference concept in between ? Please advice me as i am still in between of deciding LR.

mom of 14 months old and 5 years old

Hi, i am wondering too … is the little reader / little math - based more Glenn Doman or Shichida? Or a blend of both?

Little Reader combines both the flash method and the multi-sensory method. The flash method is that part that most closely resembles the doman/shichida method. You can read more about those types of lessons here: . With Doman’s reading program, it only uses words without pictures and videos like Little Reader so I strongly prefer LR. The books are very worthwhile to help children transition from screen to books. Shichida method is right brain intensive in general and even gets into memory games and heightened sensory perception (a.k.a. ESP), but it’s all very secretive and not a whole lot of information is leaked out of the classes. You can find some very limited information online, however, nothing is available for purchase officially from shichida like the Little Reader 1 year curriculum. Little Reader is very easy and accessible and very unique because it can be customized to you child’s preferences with their pictures and such. Additional, you can infinitely expand the content and download more lessons from the community library at no change. It introduces 3,000 words over the course of a year so it is an amazing vocabulary builder. Lastly, some children respond better to right brain/flash method lessons while others respond better to left brain/multi-sensory lessons. For that reason, it’s better to find an approach that balances both styles of learning.

Hope that helps!

janetwi and hyperM - The right brain Education shop is mainly on shichida method. They have flash cards, mandala and some of the other materials for activities conducted in the classes (but not all). I think TMT has described Little Reader very well already so I don’t really need to add to it.

One of the aspects of Right Brain Education that Shichida mentioned in his books was the importance of rapid flashing and flashing a large quantity of image cards to develop the photographic function of the right brain. You can incorporate this into the Little Reader program as well because there are a number of parents creating LR flash cards and adding them to LR resources available on this forum (myself included).

As TMT says, not a lot of the right brain education information is very clear. What I have been able to piece together based on talks with right brain education teachers, reading from Shichida’s books, talking to other parents who have children attending right brain classes, and my own observations of how the classes are run, I have written in my blog. I won’t say it is the definitive information on the Shichida Method but it is as close as I can get to it.