Is teaching LR to a 2 years and 5 months old too late?

Hello…I’m new here and I’ve just started LR with my son.(who is 2 years plus) After 3 months…he seems to loose interest…he is still at lesson day 48…
Is that ok? Or is that really slow? Tried to give it a 2 weeks break, but still not interested. Any advice ? Thanks!

hi jenfaizen, I am actually facing the same problem with my 2.5 year old, I think LR is really better for younger children. She has all the vocabulary already and now she’s savvy enough about the ipad that she just swipes forward to the pictures and doesn’t want to see the words. I have a trick though, because I have a little baby I tell her the baby needs to learn to read and I watch it with my little one and then she wants to have a look, too. She is much more into LM.

With the 2.5 year old it seems videos work better somehow, she loves the Monkisee videos and a bit of Your Baby Can Read videos as well. We do LR once in a while but I think LR doesn’t work for every older toddler on its own. I would just do it here and there whenever it happens to be the right moment and do flash cards, lots of real books, some videos. Around 3 one can also start with phonics reading.

Glenn Doman actually wrote in his book that it is much easier to teach a baby to read than a 2 year old and at the time I wasn’t sure if that could be right, but then I tried and it really does seem to be true, it is much easier with a baby because they love everything that is new, whereas 2 - 3 year olds already have a strong independence and a way of doing things.

So in answer to your question, I think it would have been easier if you’d started earlier, but it’s not too late, you just need to do more other things, pick the right moments and be a bit more creative. My daughter often wants to play other stuff on the ipad and then I say it’s enough and the only thing she is still allowed as a last “treat” is little reader and then she often wants to do it. It won’t be her favourite but if the choice is mummy takes ipad away or little reader and then ipad away, she always chooses Little Reader :-).

Hi GeniusExperiment. Thank you for your suggestions. I do have 4 months old, and I think that really might work. I’ll give it try… And I do agree that the right moment is pretty important. Thanks again! :slight_smile:

I wish I had little reader to use with a 2 year old! lol I started my son on it when he was 4! Now I use it with a class full of 4 year olds. It worked. He is 5 now and reads. :yes:
Anyway two year olds are very busy. Usually with their hands. iPads are awesome as it is so quick to start a lesson that it really doesn’t matter if it takes you 4 attempts to finish one lesson! You can whip through pictures and the first multi sensory then maybe get thought he next phonics in one go. Then by then your toddler will have spotted the spider on the ceiling and you will need a break. lol finish the rest in 10 minutes time. No big deal.
To make it easier for you…try doing LR while he is eating lunch or breakfast. Try doing it while in the bath. Do it out side, in bed, in the car seat before a journey or during a journey if you can. Aim for a captive audience. Or else aim for an enthusiastic audience. Talk it up, act the fool, hop and skip around the room when those words come up.
I have used LR with a two year old before, he loved the iPad, hated the computer and loved me putting on silly voices to read the words for him. If it was animals he would watch 20 lessons but any thing else didn’t get nearly as much enthusiasm. Still we got through a Lesson each time by making it interesting for him.

Tq mandabplus3.
Haha…the thing is, we don’t have iPad…probably its time to get one! And true, my son is just into animals right now, when other topics came out he’d ask me bout the cow or horse that was shown earlier :laugh: Kids just love funny voices don’t they? Will definitely try that with him. Thanks :slight_smile:

I tried to teach my son how to read when he was a baby and seemed to have no results. Now that he is 2 and a half though he absolutely amazes me how fast he is learning to read. So I have been thinking the opposite - that maybe Glenn Doman was wrong about kids learning faster as babies - because at 2 kids go through an incredible language spurt. Probably it is just that each kid is different though.

We took a break from LR a while ago. My son also really likes monkisee. I think it helped a lot in getting him started. And, I thought Your Child Can Read was great once he could read so many words. We had to take a break on that one too though, because he got afraid of it when it said in the second volume “Caves are dark and scary.” Ugh!!! It is not at all scary, but I don’t know why they have to say that when kids can be so suggestible. I am hoping he forgets and I can reintroduce him to it in a little while.

Anyway, I plan to do LR again with him too. We have just been so busy with other things that I just haven’t gotten back to it yet.

that’s really interesting, mybabyian. I wonder if maybe when you thought you had no results when he was a baby, he was actually learning a lot, maybe you just couldn’t see the manifestation and it now comes out as his ability to pick things out really fast when he is 2.5. I do believe these things somehow stay subconsciously and help kids recognise and memorise things later. For example, with my “unteachable” (as it seems) 2.5 year old who I said above doesn’t like LR, she is actually learning a lot I think, she just doesn’t want to be tested. But sometimes when the Games part comes up in YBCR or LR (I usually switch it off before because I don’t want to test her), she answers and it looks like guessing but at the same time she probably gets 80% right. And sometimes now she stops me when I am reading her a book and she wants to read. And she can read a few words like school and toys and shops and her name and her sister’s name and quite a few others. And even with my 6 month old even though it is impossible to tell, every time I take the flash cards out her face lights up, and I notice that when her name or her sister’s name comes on the cards she smiles much more than for the other words, and when I introduce new cards usually she looks at them intently without a smile, but the cards I have shown her many times she will laugh or smile when she sees them. So I am sure there is some level of recognition, even though it will take 6 months or a year till I can be sure if there are results.

It’s great to hear your little one is doing so well at 2.5. It’s so exciting to watch. Kids are so amazing. Even with all the wild animals in LR and in books, isn’t it amazing that one year they can barely say more than daddy and mummy and the next year they know words like porcupine and aardvark and antelope and skunk and flamingo? Simply incredible!

Teaching LR to a 2 years and 5 months old is correct time only.

I really have no idea. If I hadn’t experienced it with him I would think that he was learning but wasn’t showing it. But I don’t think that was the case. He was willing to show me all kinds of other things he was learning. Maybe he wasn’t ready or maybe he just didn’t care to learn. Maybe it would have been better to start with videos and then switch to LR. LR is a fantastic program for many reasons and I think it will be great to use again now that we are where we are. It is also much more engaging than Doman’s flash cards with no pictures which is how we started out. But the videos are more fun IMO. Now that I am pregnant I think it will be fascinating to see how our second one learns!

And yes, it is very exciting to see them learn! He is so far ahead of what I imagined he would a few months ago. :yes: :slight_smile: