Is subitizing with flash cards really subitizing?

Hey all! Although my oldest is 29 months and I’ve been inuitively practicing the ‘early learning’ approach since pregnancy, I’m brand new to the community, but excited to finally be here. Re: Subitizing: I did a search, but I’m still getting through the bulk of the posts, but haven’t yet found the answer. If my question is answered elsewhere, sorry, and thank you for helping still :slight_smile:

So, here’s what I’d like to know: Is subitizing really subitizing and what’s the end goal?

The end goal: Based on the limited research I’ve done, it seems like it’s great for young children to conceptualize and internalize quantities and numbers, and from there be able to manipulate those numbers either by adding, subtracting, etc. But aside from it being a great platfrom to propel them into the language, literacy and love for math, is subitizing past 100 necessary? Is it even necessary past 30, 20, 10? I am so curious to know your thoughts on this?

And to take it further … using the cards - is it really subitizing? My ds (29 mo now), thanks to those foam alphabet/number bath toys, knew his letters incredibly early on, like most of your children, I’m sure, and he knew them regardless of whether they were forward, backwards, upside down, twisted up, in print, etc. With word flash cards, they’re learning the shape of the whole word, not necessarily each letter. With math flash cards, however, are they learning that the specific shape formed by those cards represents the number/quantity? For children who learn the flash cards up to 25, 50, 100+: If you have something like a magnetic board and throw quantities in various patterns, will they be able to discern how many objects are on the board? And to bring it full circle: as an adult, howe would sustaining this ability be useful? Or do you think it’s only necessary so that they can then learn to manipulate the equations and formulas? I hope my questions is making sense.

Looking forward to reading replies!

You may be interested in this thread-

For what it’s worth, I did LM with my kids and one day I made up some flash cards out of card stock and a bingo blotter. He was able to pick out the correct cards something like 7 times in a row in the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s, and he had never seen these cards before. Previously, he was only exposed to LM on the flat screen TV (connected to the laptop).

I tried it again one day to see if he knew and to introduce equations but he wasn’t in the mood. I haven’t asked him since, maybe I will later today. He’s a smart cookie. My daughter cannot do recognize quantity, I think I started too late with her and she is very “left brained” to begin with.

I did find that helpful! you are such an amazing blessing :slight_smile: so fortunate to know you!