Is Shichida Mahato's method suitable for each baby?

Prof. Shichida is famous with the right brain development training. But, is it suitable for each baby?

Currently, I teach my little girl (18 mths) about animals by using flash cards method. After a few days, I asked her to show me the particular animal which I am mentioned. She show the wrong one.

Then, I have bought some soft toys, I told my baby one or twice that this is turtle. The next day I asked her to show me where is the turtle, she able to show it.

Now, I feel frustrated. Should I stop using the flash cards method? Any kind mum out there pls give me some advice.

at this age group, the inputs (the knowledge you give them) are much important than outputs (testing them to see if they know). It is said that when doing right brain training, it is not good to test them and give them stress.

do continue doing the flash cards or whatever you can give them. Their outputs will be demonstrated later when they want or when they are ready.

Hi Splee

Juicyfruits is exactly right. The Right brain is the emotional brain, and absorbs best when not under stress. One should NEVER test the right brain, as the right brain shuts down when put under stress. Pamela Hickein (Right Brain Master Teacher) says that the main things for successful right brain training are:

  1. Love - love your schild
    2. Image - hold the highest image of your child. If you’re testing the child, that is your left brain wanting to know if what she has learned is being absorbed. Trust that what she is being flashed, is being absorbed, and is adding to her rich neural network.
  2. Flash - Flash cards at one second (or thereabouts) in tune with your babies’ heartbeat

In Pamela’s book, she tells a true story of two friends, who were both teaching their children RB education. The one friend’s child learned to read easily by aged three. The other friend became VERY despondent, and became a little forceful and upset. The teacher told her to relax, stop stressing and keep training. At aged 5 (or so), the little boy went from reading basic books to reading the family bible in a couple of weeks!

When a child is young, their left brains are very under-developed. It is the left brain that makes sense of the information that they are learning, to provide you with the type of answers that you’re looking for. So you sjould actually be excited that her left brain is still under-developed and that her right brain is still wide open. Keep teaching with all the love in your heart, and REMEMBER to hold the highest image of her. She is learning!

Hi Splee - I just want to echo what Sarah wrote. It is true - don’t test, it’s the fastest way to put your child off learning. Sometimes they will also deliberately give you the wrong answer because they don’t like to be tested. I made that mistake with my older boy because I didn’t understand the right brain at the time. Now I just give and I don’t ask for anything back. When he wants to show me what he knows, he will.

For instance, we were in a restaurant and he told me he wanted to order duck. I asked, “How do you know they have duck here?” Then he showed me the menu and pointed to the word “duck”. Another time we were doing a sticker chart for the planets in the solar system and he told me he wanted to do “pluto” next. He correctly identified pluto and stuck it in the right spot. I don’t know if it was because he recognised the planet or because he could read the fine print that said “pluto”. I don’t remember teaching him how to read “pluto” but he loves Mickey Mouse and I read him stories before bedtime which are sometimes Mickey stories.

So don’t worry - when your child is ready, she will show you what she knows and you’ll be completely blown away. It may be many months away but don’t worry, just keep teaching her.

You should continue with the flashcards, but do not except an output too early.
You will see the result when your child getting older. You will amaze that a 2 years old kid recall 50 cards within a minute.

Thanks all 4 yr advise. I know I am impatient and sometime just want to know that whether is she learn & understand.

Shichida method on flashing cards is not about teaching the baby knowledge but to train the baby right brain development. Do continue with this method and soon you will see how amaze that your baby development on learning things really fast. cheers! :slight_smile: