Is my son learning?


I have a 7 months old baby, which I have started teaching him flash cards when he was 4 months. Nowadays he is no longer looking at the flash cards, but my mouth. Is he learning or should I do something for him to focus on the flash cards? He sometimes laugh at me when I call out the words :nosee:

Babies are often taking in a panoramic view. It is great that baby is focused on your mouth. He is learning how you speak and taking notes while at the same time learning to read. The first time around I saw no signs of reading and wondered many times if I wasted my time. Sometimes he would just look about and I wondered how a baby can learn to read this way. In fact by 12 months, I started to see small signs of reading and by 16 months I was seeing my little one grow leaps and bounds. He was showing signs of not just reading but understanding.

Keep up the hard work of consistency! Every child is different but as long as there is joyful exposure, you a building a life long lover of learning.

My baby is also 7 months old. What I noticed is that for LR he dislikes the sequences of words, like pattern phonics and sight words. He starts to sign no with his head and then turn his head to the side, meaning he wants to get away. But Multisensory gets his attention. For LM, he has been enjoying so far. My eldest never liked. And Little Musician is by far his favorite. But he doesn’t like the instruments part and the final song session.

I’m sure they are learning. I got this approval when my eldest was also a baby and I was wondering if he was really learning baby signs. And some months later he showed me he was.

Thank you so much for your response. Much appreciated.