Is my 3yr old son dyslexic, how do i find out?

My 3 yr old son writes letters like C, D, G in a reverse way. When I try to correct him, he is too lazy to try it. Also when asked about letter recognition he is confused most of the time. When I try to teach him, he feels sleepy or hungry and is not interested at all. When I asked his class teacher, she mentioned that he recognizes alphabets fine and is okay…but he doesn’t do that with me. He is been a hyperactive child since birth. I am really confused and need to know should I seek some medical help or are there any tests available that can clear the confusion.

Dear Sampada,

I am unsure where you are located - if in America, teachers are trained to spot these type of reading challenges and will suggest that the child have additional testing with a specialist.

I would listen to your son’s teacher. Also, if you are familiar with Mr. Doman’s books, children do not like to be tested, and neither do adults. It is better to use positive reinforcement techniques instead of focusing on what he “cannot” do right in your presence. Also, remember that children often will act differently at home, than at school.
Take it easy and relax because your child will pick on your negative expectations and will try to fulfill it.

With regard to hyperactivity - this is a nutritional issue. My 21 months girls have an attention span greater than most 3 year olds - and that is according to their teacher who is helping with their expressive language (they engage in “twin talk” and we have a bi-lingual household so their expressive speech is slightly behind singletons in a single language environment). They watch the YBCR videos daily which are at least 20 - 30 minutes long and want to watch it again. They are calm and attentive because I follow the Zone Nutritional program prior to and during the pregnancy, as well as as soon as began eating, coupled with giving them Dr. Sears ultra-refined Omega 3 Fish Oil.

Please see:

  1. Video > The Zone in Fetal/Infant Development

  2. Video > ADHD and High-Dose Fish Oil

  3. Articles about ADD/ADHD

  4. Children in the Zone Forum

  • Ayesha

thanx Ayesha!