Is it too late to start the Doman method with my 2.1/2 son?

I really wish I found this forum earlier, now I feel like I nearly miss the “learning window”.

My son is 2/1/2 years now, I haven’t started showing him the flash cards yet, but I started taking pictures of him and put them in a powerpoint with simple red bold words. He seems to be interested because he sees himself , however, I don’t know if he is able to learn to read this way or not now.

Anyone started the Doman method late and how well did it work?

Thanks for sharing.

I am not an expert in this but I don’t see any reason why not. A cousin of mine used YBCR on her two and a half year old and it worked well. He should catch on very quick.

Never be too late to start the DG method… it is said that the earlier the better. Actually for 2.5 yrs old is still the golden period for the baby to learn, don’t give up. The bonding between you and your son is of ulmost important, he can feel the love in watching the power point prepared by you… no worry … here got a lot of support to you.

haha starting late is better than not starting at all … just that the little fellow is much much moe mobile n ask much much more why why …

for toddlers its best to be fast, or quick, rather than rushing, and teach him what he is interested in … you can go broad covering here and there on a general basis … or take him out to zoo, or market or sth and see if he has interest in cars, or fruits, or animals or what have you … maybe even batman figurines … and if he is interested in cars then just look for more car info, the various types of cars, and its parts etc … and then start writing some words with the pictures and soon he will catch on … and he wil realise hey there is a name for this thing … and soon he starts to get interest in knowing the names of all those things and more …

good luck …


My daughter only started at 23 months. Now she is almost 26 months (about 4 months younger than son). I feel like we are just beginning and that there is still a really big learning window. Don’t feel like you are starting late. You are starting so much earlier than most parents. Also we are well within that special learning window for language development (written and spoken). We use Little Reader to flash bold red words along with pics - like your powerpoint presentation. She has been able to absorb and learn the words. I think I am flashing much slower than 1 second per slide because my computer is slow. Also I think we are probably flashing less words and retiring words slower than the traditional Doman Method. She gets a glazed look about her if I do more than 20 words. But all kids are different so just do what seems comfortable. I was counting how many words she learned but now I’ve lost count. I don’t test her but she reads out loud sometimes so I have an idea. At the moment, I would guess at least 40 words and maybe many more. Some words seem stick and others I think might be learned then forgotten. Overall, I would say it is working and exceeded my expectations. We also use YBCR in addition to Little Reader. Just try to keep it interesting and do it consistently every day, and soon you will see some results. If you like powerpoint, check out the free powerpoint presentations available under “free downloads” in the menu bar. Also I would love to hear an update. I’m always curious about how other 2 yr olds are doing. I find it challenging to keep it interesting sometimes. I probably need to moving onto new material quicker.

Good Luck and Have Fun, Lori

Its definitely not too late - my mother taught my sister to read starting at 2 years 8 months and by 3.5 years of age she was reading books at a high level. There are a few things you need to change from the normal Doman method to make it work when starting at 2.5 years:

  1. give fewer words at a time than normal to keep your childs interest (Doman recommends starving them for more words a little)
  2. use words that your child asks for and ones he is interested in (2.5 is a little bit too old to be excited by ears, eyes - try things like “gigantic”, “hippopotamus”, “jeep” - whatever he is interested in)
  3. move very rapidly from single words to sentences so that it is more meaningful to your child - at this age they would love to read a short book so the faster you get there the better

Thats about it - enjoy teaching your child. The fun part about starting at 2.5 years is that unlike a baby they can actually show you what they know when they choose to do so.

hi i start teaching my daughter 3 months ago, now she is 2 1\2 years she is doing well in reading but she refuse to learn math

How are you teaching the math? And what concept are you working on? We are inconsistent with math. We are just working on quantities/ counting. We occasionally use Little Math - she doesn’t like dots but likes when I use ducks or bears as icons. My daughter is 26 months old.

Thank you for all the encouragement and tips. We are out of town right now but I can’t wait to go back home and start teaching my son to read. I have done some extensive research on this subject for a week now and found it really fascinating. Yes, I am sure at 2 1/2 the window is still wide open. My challange would be though since my son likes to watch TV so much, it may be difficult to get him interested in flash cards or dots. But I am sure there must be a way.

I am new to this forum but I am already hooked to it, believe it or not, I spent hours reading all the posts, saving useful links, checking out product reviews and just purchased a memory magic and Wink Chinese. Lucky I am a SAHM because my son and me are going to become very busy. Thanks Brillkids and all of the wonderful educated moms in this forum.