is hammock safe for baby

Hello, everything was so perfect before. I never had problem putting my son to bed. Recently, he refused to sleep on his own. He just want to sleep in my bed with me. So I started putting him in a hammock. Is works sometimes. My question is, is it safe to put babies in a hammock to sleep all night long?

What kind of hammock? I wouldn’t think so since a baby can roll or crawl out. Babies can figure out ways to move around even if they are not that mobile yet. Plus, if it is not very breathable, he could suffocate if he gets stuck.

i never use hammock to sleep my babies,only their nanny;its easy to make baby sleep…but if your child can roll and crawl,its a little bit danger,maybe they can fall or stuck.Use it only at day,easy for you to keep on eye at your baby.but if your baby is a toddler,it’s ok for them coz they know how to go out from hammock,but just put some pillow under the hammock in case.some of my friend,use hammock to sleep their baby at night,and its nothing to worry about,maybe you have to supervise they in the beginning,after that your baby will get use into it;they will sleep well until morning!but using the hammock to sleep the baby its not really good idea,coz baby will addict to it,it trouble you when you go for a travel or go other place;parents or relative house,they will hard to go sleep without hammock!

Oh thank you so much for the input. I will keep this in mind. I am so thankful I can always ask someone here about parenthood!

Though i’ve never used a hammock myself, (always planned to, but just never got around to hanging one) I lived in a community in Venezuela several years ago where everyone slept in hammocks every night (just the way it was - part of the culture/tradition). They were woven hammocks, generally, and very breathable. I can’t say I ever heard a story about a baby falling out.

A couple of thoughts or ideas:

You could hang the hammock above your bed. I saw this done. It would give you easy access to swing or rock the hammock if the baby was fussing, and you wouldn’t have to leave your bed! I saw that done in one family. As I said, I personally never heard of a child falling out of a hammock, but if it did happen, then they would just fall into your bed.

Or you could just make sure to hang the hammock very low to the floor – within a foot, and even put a soft mat underneath so that if the baby DID become mobile, start squirming and fall out, they’d only fall a foot, and wouldn’t be hurt.

Hope that gives you some ideas!

we used an Amby baby hammock for our son until he outgrew it. I have also seen babies in regular hammocks, but they sleep along the other direction ie. 90 degrees turned from how an adult would use it. This helps with the issue of rolling out.

on that note, EVERYONE in the community where I lived slept across the hammock – if not 90 degrees, then at least diagonally across it. They laughed at me the first day when I was laying in it the way that seems normal here, in North America. “ha ha, you look like a banana!” Hammocks are actually quite supportive if you lay across them diagonally!