Is baby talking or blabbling?

I read from some forumers and some mothers we speak to … they claim their baby can speak and sometimes in sentences when their baby is as little as 4mth old.

They said the baby called out mama, baba, dada etc … It was shown that babies all over the world says those words if they can be considered proper words … or some experts says they make those sounds … regardless of what language they speak. Are making such noise considered as actually speaking the human language or are those simply blabbling?

Some mothers goes on to exert that their baby’s make sentences at 6m … of course to make sentences … baby’s have to understand how to structure one first …

These subject started becoz i want to find out from fellow forumers … what they actually consider as actually speaking or talking… that is in words the parents can understand whatever that language maybe and able to repeat it, or it is simply making noise. Of course babies have their own language called baby talk. But according to GD most babies speak if they want to and mostly at 1.5yrs of age (in words an adult can understand)… some ealier but at 12mth … assuming they learn only one language … delayed by 6m approximately if learning 2 or more language since they have to get used to the frequency or tone or pitch of that language …

If you ask me, it’s easy to tell the difference. If the word is said with real meaning, it’s talking. Otherwise, it’s babbling.

Speaking in sentences at 4-6 months? I don’t buy it. Not only that, it’s kinda creepy!

My baby started saying “Mama” with intent at 8 months. She would wail it if I walked out the room - no doubt she was meaning me. She didn’t learn to say “Dada” for a long time though (she actually learned to say “reading” first lol). But now she’s a total daddy’s girl!

She learned most of her words after the 12-month mark though, yes.

She said her first sentence at 15.5 months (“Boat is coming!”). This is considered on the early side of normal.

It’s hard to generalize about talking because there’s a really big span of “normal” - kind of like with walking actually. Parents can get hung up about it, but once kids grow up, you won’t be able to tell the difference between the kid who started talking at 1 and the one who started talking at 2.

My daughter’s an early talker but she didn’t start walking till 16 months. I was the same! My brother walked at 10 months; my husband’s elder daughter walked at 10 months. Go figure.

I agree, Maddy. I wouldn’t believe in 4-6mnth speaking.
My son said a few “B” words at 8-9mnth: bird, ball, boy, (mostly pointing at the right objects) but then forgot them and started speaking at his first birthday party. He didn’t babble at all. “Daddy” and “teddy” were the second “firsts”. From then on he learned variety of words.
(He walked at 10mnth and crawled well before that.)

Something pretty interesting. My child at about 10 mths was able to differentiate who he wants to carry her and for what purpose. Eg when she wants feeding she goes to mama, but when she wants to learn things she comes to me raise her arm and …mumble mumble … and i know she wants me to carry her, once i carry her … she would point me to the direction she wants me to take her and when she is there she will look at me, point and look at an object like flower, door, window etc, and say that … or this … and i would tell her the name of the thingy she is pointing at … she is 14mth+ now and still doing that …

But recently while i was able to teach her and express the meaning of the word i am teaching her like … her body parts, animals, and household items … initially say body parts she was able to point them out, but as we move on to other words for about 1mth or so and when i return to body parts sometimes she forgot and pointed to the wrong things … so sometimes we have to refresh what we teach …

flashing is suppose to be right mind thingy becoz the right brain process info as pictures …therefor words are pictures per se to them … right now she is interested more in pictures than words … especially if she has seen the words before, but she is never tired of pictures … however as i go on to explain the words with pictures and subsequently with real objects, like chairs table etc, for which she would point to them and in baby words pronounced something closed to table, door and chair … this i suspect is progressing towards left brain … recognition, understanding, processing of info etc … hence why she may sometimes easily forget and needs consistent refresher course …

anybody gone to that level yet?? i know it side tracks a little but perhaps you guys may know?

Even though it sounds creepy I would love it if my baby could call me at the age of 4 months

I’ve also battled to know what one would call speaking. My daughter was about 5 months old when she started saying “mama” but it wasn’t with meaning. Sometime around 8 months she used her first words with meaning and had a vocabulary of about 20 words which she had used (but wasn’t using regularly) by a year.

She’s now 18 months and has said more than 100 different words, however her general speaking vocabulary (the words she uses everyday to get things done) is probably about 12-18 words. She doesn’t pronounce things well at all, but I have read that this is fairly normal at this age. She has started speaking in 2-3 word phrases too. She crawled at 6 months and walked at 10,5 months.

To be honest though I think the talking and walking are similar. When does one say their baby is walking? My daughter took her first unaided steps at 8,5 months, but I wouldn’t say she was “walking” til about 10,5/11 months and by 13 months she was running, but only now at 18 months is she really running away from me (and I might decide at 24 months that NOW she is running)

:biggrin: ha ha that’s right, Tanikit, a proud parent says 8.5, an objective one 10.5-11 :biggrin: