Is anyone using iPad for kids?

Ella started asking for an iPad after one of her daycare teachers brought hers to their class and showed them learning games on it. I had already been contemplating getting one for her so we decided to go ahead and buy it. Before we gave it to her, however, we told her the Rules for using the iPad:

  • she can only use it when Mama has time to use it with her. (I treat it like I do the TV - I only let her watch when I have time to sit down and interact with her.)
  • she can only use it when she is sitting down nicely at her desk or in bed - meaning, no jumping or running around with the iPad.
  • she has to ask politely and wait patiently when someone else is using it.
  • most importantly, she has to ask first before pressing the Home button! lol This way, I can show her the apps I want to first, and then she can play with what she wants.

So far, she has followed these rules pretty well - she needed to be reminded a couple of times but that’s it.

And I agree with Shen Li - it’s amazing how fast they catch on to the new technology. After a couple of weeks of using it, aside from playing with apps and reading ebooks on the iPad, she has learned how to scroll through the iPod playlists and choose songs to listen to.while she is playing. She has also learned how to type short messages and email them to her dad, just from watching me do it. :slight_smile: