is 29 months too late to start teaching

I was with a friend over the weekend and she was kicking herself for not teaching her son anything all this while. She feels she has lost a lot of the opportunities to teach him, especially when she saw a lot of babies reading and doing other stuff on brillkids.

I told her it’s really never too late to start and at least she still has a few more years to maximize his learning, but she wasn’t really convinced!

What I want to know really is how much can be done from this age.can he still benefit from LR and LM? Is there anyone here that started late and your babies still learnt quite a lot.

I started with my daughter at about 7months, but wasn’t really consistent but she still learnt a lot (eventually!)

Any thoughts please. Thanks.

there is no such thing as too late to learn anything. i’ve seen quite a few people learning to play violin after retirement and are playing very well. early or later is just a matter of comparison. don’t compare with other kids that started earlier and you wont’ feel it is late and you will be stress free. do not aim to achieve something based on someone else achievement , teach at your own pace and enjoy the process.

Its absolutely never to late at all.
My youngest is 4 and that’s when we started with reading. My 2nd daughter was also 4 when I began reading. If I had known that kids could read at such young ages I would have started when they were babies. But I didn’t have that knowledge. Nor did I know of anyone that had a child reading early. Well except for one and when I asked the mom how she got her son to read like that (he was 3) she just said he picked it up from watching his big sister (who was 6 at the time) learn to read. So I just assumed kids who learned to read early were little geniuses and I was just not blessed with little genisues.
Anyways it wasn’t until my youngest daughter was the age of 3 did I for the first time ever see commercials for Your Baby Can Read. Even then I thought it was a scam or something because who ever heard of babies reading? Surely not I. So I didnt’ want to waste my money on something like that.
But it wasn’t until the end of Dec last year that I saw a YBCR on the shelf at Walmart and my daughter begged for it and I figured, what the heck. What did I have to lose?
I was so sorry I never got it for her at the age of 3 when she wanted it so bad. I’m sorry I didn’t know that little babies could read. I only knew what I had read and had been taught… only school aged children could learn to read. I felt and still at times feel like I wasted so much tiime with my daughters. They struggle at times and I feel like that early advantage could have helped them so much now that they are older and struggling at times in school. But what can you do?

She still has so much time more then I have had. Because a 2yr old will learn more by the age of 4 or before they start school then they would if you started at the age of 4 like I have.
Tell her to go at it and quit wasting more time.’s-reading-progression/msg68357/?topicseen#new

Have your friend check out the videos on the above. This is the daughter of one of the users here who began with YBCR when she was 24/25 months. She’s reading really, really well now at 3y10m. Depending on her sons stage, he might not NEED flash cards or even get the most benefit from them. He may be ready to begin doing phonics using a program like 100EZ, The Reading Lesson ,or The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading, etc…

Tell her to check her library for YBCR, PreSchoolPrep and other series. Tell her not to give up or anything like that. Many children don’t start formal learning until they are 5, 6, 7 or 8 years old and they turn out no worse for the (lack of) wear. (Clearly I’m not talking about the children who are below average), many children come out brilliant and advanced. While others begin learning at 30 months and still do amazingly well. :).

It’s not too late at all. There is a mom on here that I know started Doman Dots at 2.5 years and her child was doing 2 & 3 step equations and the whole deal!

I think it might have been one of the mom’s with a blog that has “Kindergarten” in the title? I might be getting them confused. Doman says learning is easier at age one versus age 2, easier at age 2 versus age 3, and so forth until the window closes around age 6. So she has about 6 REALLY GREAT months and then 3 more REALLY GOOD years to teach!

Also, if all goes well she is going to get a a lot more immediate feedback from her child and validation that he is “really learning” versus teaching a 4 month old and waiting a year for results. Hopefully, s/he will be able to vocalize his knowledge a lot sooner, encouraging her to keep it up!

Go tell her to register on the forums and join us personally in this thread so we can cheer her on. :slight_smile:

Doman is for babies but Montessori for older ones.
Say your friend to check resources about Montessori, Valdorf etc. and she will see that her child is very young :yes:

I do believe you are talking about Elizabeth and Hunter over here:

They were my first inspiration to really get into early childhood education. Def worth looking at.

Sounds like DomanMom (Elizabeth) and her son Hunter, from “Life With a Kindergartner” My friend follows this blog and recommended it to me when I told 'im about my project.

Also, the title changes each grade. It used to be Life with a PreSchooler.