Is 20 months old too young for 'preschool'? Opinion pls?

Hi everyone,

I am in need of your opinion. I am undecided on whether to let my 20 months old boy (3 months prematured) attend a nursery school. It is five (5) days a week from 9am-1pm.

I am a stay at home mom, and I am running out of ideas on how to teach my VERY active son at home everyday!
I figure sending him to a toddler class in preschool may satisfy his curiosity and expose him to more (variety of activities, kids, germs…etc :stuck_out_tongue: ) It is partly montesori based, and they told me the kids get to do crafts, singing, colouring, etc…

Anyway, currently at home, I’ve been showing him Trebellina, YBCR, Little Pim Chinese, Wink to Learn Chinese, Letter Factory, Baby Signing Times and TweedleWink. I also show him his Little Reader and occasionally Little Math.

I read some books to him, teach him words on his Magnet Doodle. Recently I let him colour with crayon, though i’ve gotta watch him as he puts everything in his mouth. He has an electronic keyboard and loves music (and water!)

I feel that he is spending too much time watching DVDS and computer programs, if he stays at home! (Coz it gets tooo tiring chasing him around the house ALL THE TIME, if i don’t put a video on)

He attends a 1 hour Shichida Class once a week (he runs around the class!). He can recognise and point out A-Z, 1-10, make a few signs, read phonics sound like “buh”, “puh” duh"and reads over 100 words (estimate). He can’t TALK yet (verbally only very few words like mama, papa, star).

That is just a brief background. My concern about sending him to preschool is whether 20 months too young to be away from me? Would he be more insecured, feeling of abandonment, etc (opposed to attachment parenting style)? I feel guilty to even think of sending him to school at this young tender age, but i feel that i am running out of energy and ideas to teach him!!! My husband thinks that it is okay for the baby to be bored at home, as boredom may develop creativity (such as in games)??

Honest opinions please?

I also would like to add that I am concern about attention deficit disorder if I continue with the barrage of videos and computer programs including You Tube. He likes them. And no, we don’t watch normal TV (or cartoon channels) since he came along.


How is his social behavior around other kids? or babysitters? how independent is he?is he very attatch to you?. I will like you to answer this questions so I can have a better idea of how he will feel.

he seems to be really occupied and progressing very well, intellectually.

how about outdoors, like going to the park and beaches, hiking, swimming… and all that ?

or… let him be bored at home… being bored and thinking of what do himself is also part of learning and growing.

PY, thank you.
He seems very interested with what other kids are playing when in the playground, and tries to engage them sometimes (just now, he just tried to feed leaves to another slightly bigger boy! hah!). Very independent and likes to explore. Not very attached to me. This means that, in a new place, he would run and explore and doesn’t mind if I’m near or not. Not sure about strange babysitters, though I doubt he would fuss.

Reei, I do believe in letting him exercise outdoors too! :slight_smile: However, doing outdoor activities here means late afternoon about 5.30pm, when the sun sets. Awfully hot outdoor during the daytime. I do try to drive him to the playground in the evenings, but lake, beach is not possible. Other options are shopping malls during the day.

He’s not very good at sitting down quietly in class though - he runs around in his Shichida class while other kids can sit down for slightly longer time and work their actitivties.

I suppose boredom has its points but I also do not want to waste precious time when his brain can absorb fast now. You know what I mean?

My daughter started going to day care 2 afternoons a week (I did not get to chose…I wanted her to do morning activities)
I would say, if you have the choice2 mornings a week and see how it goes. I’m sure he will love it…


how about playgroup like “kindermusik”?

swimming lessons?

I think the most important person’s opinion to consider is your son’s. Which do you think he would choose?

Hi all,

Just to update.

We went for a trial class this morning. Isaac was happy being there in the classroom for the first 30mins - smiling, exploring and playing with other kids and the teacher. Then a mom dropped of another boy who immediately lay on the ground, began wailing and screaming at the top of his lungs. That really freaked my son out and he started to cry too. After that, he really wanted OUT of that classroom and continue to cry (eventhough that other little boy eventually stopped). He has never cried in his Shichida class before, but I am guessing he hasn’t really seen anyone scream like that before too.

Anyway, the teacher had informed me that they usually will not pay attention to a crying child, as that may prolong the crying and attention seeking behavior. She also told me that some kids can cry for the entire 3 terms, … but eventually will settle down. The rest of the kids are about 2 years old.

So guys, thanks! After the trial class, I have decided that my child IS too young for that kind of class. I cannot imagine him crying for 3 terms EVERY DAY, and no one there to comfort him. Not at this age anyway (he is like 17-months old, if adjusted for his prematurity).

So, I will take Reei’s suggestion and look up Kindermusik or Gymboree or even swimming lessons (good idea!) or something less intensive where I can be there too.

Thanks for all your input.

Thanks for answering my questions,if you think he should try at least some part time maybe three hours a day twice a day, to see how he goes. He can interact with other kids and improve his social skills. Also he will learn how to resolve problems in his own.We will se how he goes. Keep us track.

Sunshine baby,
You know, babies have good and bad days and maybe this was just a bad day for your son, and the other kids’ crying scared him a bit. My daughter adored childcare the first few times we went (she never looked back at me) and the fourth time, she started crying when I left, same thing the second time. Theworkers told me that she cried a lot once, and two or three other times, she stopped within a minute. Now she has many little friends, learned to remain sitted while having lunch (something I never managed at home), has access to ride-on we don’t have at home etc…

Hi Sunshine Baby,
It sounds like it is summer in your area, have you considered hiring a mama’s helper? We have a neighbor girl come over and play with the kids for a couple hours when I need a break. The twins adore her and they all have great fun together. At first I needed to stay with them but now they have gotten to know her they are comfortable with me leaving the room.