iPad apps similar to Little Math?

Hi all,

I am just starting LR with my 9 month old and intend to buy LM in the future but I am just wondering if there are any similar early math apps you would recommend for the moment? Any that focus on subitising etc? Thanks!

I saw a “Doman Flashcards Math” app that is free. It is suppose to be 50 lessons based on Glenn Doman’s math technique - subitizing red dots.

I have not found anything comparable, because Little Math does cover amazingly a lot:

Quantity lessons up to 100
Numeral lessons up to 100
Counting forward and counting backward
Quantity recognition (random icon placement)
Skip counting (grid icon placement)
Random quantities and numerals (within a range)
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Progression from two-step up to five-step equations
Equations with mixed operations

But for just the quantity lessons using red dots we used Babies Don’t Count ( I think it is correct name…) app for iPad, when my Little One was just starting at about 5 months. It was a good one, better then using paper cards :yes: And since you cant use LM on iPad we did it for a couple of months. But then we switched to Little Math

As Skylark mentioned, Baby Doesn’t Count is an app that does quantity lessons with red dots. It’s not nearly as comprehensive as Little Math but it’s a good app for the iPad.