

My name is Adriane, I am a brazilian and I am married to Marco who is chinesse. He lives in Brazil since he was 8 years old. We have a baby named Larissa who was borned in March 23, 2006.

She is a water baby we did the natural birth and in process of being delivered I decided to get myself into the tub to have her.

She was breast fed with one breast for 10 months and 2 weeks but was exclusive breast fed for 9 months. I never found out what happend to my other breast that stopped producing milk but I have learned that you can heatly raise a baby with only one breast.

She was raised on the floor. Never had a crib. Today her bed is a Queen mattress that stays on the floor. But before, she slept on 3 sheets of tatame. This make her walk fast and she jumped the stage of crawling. Now she is crawling during sport school activity, thanks God!!!

My husband speaks mandarim with her and I was speaking english. I stopped because I was tired of not having anyone to talk to in english. Now I will be able to get back to it because I have the chance of participating in Brill Baby forum.

I have so much to share here. In the last 1 1/2 year I learned about Glenn Domman and did not have a place or people to talk to. I tried to do the program and found myself lost with details o making bits and organizing Larissa class. In addition I tried first to do in chinesse, which is my husband language but not mine. That was too difficult. I gave up because my baby started to hide her face from the computer screen when I started the power point presentation. But now with Little Reader, in this last week things turned out to work. She like it. Maybe you are wondering why I decided to do chinesse? I will explain it later.

I have so many things to write it down but for now I want to thankyou KL for sharing in You Tube the films about Felicity, she was my inspiration. Also I would like to thankyou for creating this Little Reader software and having a place in this Forum to talk to people who will be able to understand me and not think that I am crazy. SHARING IS A VITAL PROCESS TO KEEP US GOING AND NOT GIVING UP.

Thanks you so much.


Hi and welcome to the forums! It is great to have you here. It sounds like you have done a wonderful job with your daughter. I hope you share more of your stories and experiences with us on the forums. You are right, sharing is important, and we would all love for you to share more!

I’m glad your daughter is enjoying Little Reader. I hope it will make teaching her to read much easier for you. It’s also wonderful way to teach different languages.

Please let us know if you have any questions about Little Reader or the forums. Everyone is very friendly here, and we can’t wait to hear more from you!

Welcome, Adriane! Good to have you here! FYI, we should have a Brazilian Portuguese version of LR (including Portuguese word sets) before the end of the year!

Hi KL and Nikki,

I was travelling this weekend and I could not play with LR but I did print and read 180 pages of the General Discussion to learn more about the software and about the people who are participating in the forum. For the moment I am a little quiet but soon I will be like you Nikki. Thanks for the welcome and it will be my pleasure to help out. I feel so glad to be here because until now I was a mother with crazy ideas and no one really supported me. I felt lonely but now I feel I found my place.

Thankyou KL.


Hello and welcome Adriane,
I am new here as well and have just recently discovered this whole right brain concept of learning. It is amazing isn’t it. I can sense your enthusiasm coming from your post and I feel the same way as you.

Hi Scott,

Since I learned about right brain method I started getting very excited. Latter I questioned so many things about the method but doing more and more reseach I learned that Doman in not the only person who speaks about it. There are other people involved in this process. Once I was confident I got involved in doing the bits but found myself lost in putting the program together. I wanted to fly to USA to ask for help at the Institute but money is short and I could not make it. Until now I feel fustrated because I still don´t have the program on daily basis with my baby that is already 2years and 6 months old. This thing is exciting but very fustrating when you don´t get things going and you see your baby getting old. Thanks God KM started this forum. Also he created a tool in which we can share file with others and a forum which will help communication. I am still lost trying to find my way in the software. I still don´t know how to organize things and translated the files with out having to start from scratch. But don´t be nervous like me because your baby is young and you will have time and the right tool to do it. Thanks to Little Reader. :smiley:

Hey Adriane :slight_smile:

Don’t stress yourself out and be nervous or anything :slight_smile: Anything you do will make a difference, you don’t have to do EVERYTHING at once :wink:

I suggest taking a day-off (or two) and focusing on Little reader, practice translating the categories and organising yourself and so on. That’s what I did and everything was so easy and almost effortless after that :yes:

Just remember Adriane, anything you do now to help your child is better than what most children get. Everything will be fine. Have you thought about trying to purchase the YBCR series on ebay? I purchased it and it should be here very soon. It has dvd’s that you use along with flashcards or LR. It seems to take some of the work out of it at least in the beginning.

Hi Adriane,

I’m also Brazilian, and I have found out about Glenn Doman and right brain stimulation only a couple of months ago. I’ve got 2 little girls Gabriella 2 years and 10 months and Georgia 7 months.

Like you I just love LR, and even though I’m unable to use it at the moment, I keep coming to the forum to see what is going on… I’m using a MacBook at the moment and LR doesn’t work on it (yet).

I’ve found a great support group in Portuguese through Orkut, there are incredible people there that are helping me to succeed using Doman’s methods.

Welcome here, and I hope we can keep exchanging our experiences.




Thanks for all your help!!! I am still learning to move through the forum and only now I read all these new post. What a warm hug. :smiley:

Vai ser legal conhecer essa comunidade do Orkut. Vc mora em São Paulo? Talvez eu possa ajudar em alguma coisa. Tenho alguma experiencia meu problema esta sendo a organização do material e a rotina de trabalho.


I also bought My Baby Can Read DVD together with books and flashcard but I was dissapointed. It is cute but it is not a Glenn Doman method. BUT my baby likes to watch it. Little Reader is perfect for Glenn Doman. Remember that you have to exercise you baby too. For the knowlage to sink in you have to do the both. Thanks for the support.


I am terrible in getting organized but I am working on both issues. Translating the Brill Kids .cat into portugues Brazil and finding a way to best organize words Little Reader. I found my way in translating yesturday night but I am lost in getting organized. Do you have any idea about organization in LR?

I am going to ask you for your help in how to organize the words and categories in LR. Is there a best practice in it?
I do have some stories to share such as natural water birth, breathfeeding with only on breast, allergic baby to soy and cow milk and some chinese recepies for post birth so that I could recover from the pregnancy period. I am married to a chinese man and he cooked for me during 40 days with ingredients that he imported from Taiwan. He really took good care of me. :nowink:

Thanks everyone.

Hi Adriane,

Eu moro na Australia, tem gente da comunidade Como ensinar o seu bebe a ler (do Orkut) q 'e de Sao Paulo, e estavam procurando se juntar pra formar um grupo de apoio.
Entra no meu orkut se voce puder, procure por Cristiane Andrade Wood, q a gente conversa melhor, vamos continuar jogando umas conversas fora aqui pra ganhar mais pontos…



Hey adriane :slight_smile:

I organise through folders. I have a folder for arabic, one for english, one for german, one for enlish numbers one for arabic numbers …etc.

You can also add a “done” folder for those categories you have already shown to your baby and want to retire, for example, arabic done, english done etc…

you will end up with lots of folders but the organisation is worth it :wink:

P.S. KL, Lappy or whomever else reads this from the team; can you see why I desperately need subfolders? lol

Yes, yes, got the hint loud and clear! Fine, I’ll bump it up 10 notches up the priority level!! (now it’s at item #2472… ) lol