
My friend’s 26month old son won’t let his mom out of sight at all, even if there are kids his age surrounding him playing with toys, he would insist to have mom near him and he usually will be holding mom’s dress with one hand.
she do go out without him at times leaving him with dad, but he wouldnt agree to stay with any other.
what do you think is the problem?
also anyone got any solutions to offer?

maybe he is not feeling very secure or dont have the self confidence. this is very strange for this age.

My older son was like that - even at two years. It was worse for me because he wouldn’t even go with his Dad. It’s because I am his primary caregiver and he spends the bulk of his time with me. It will pass in time. My son is now 3+ and he goes to pre-school without problems.

Is there another sibling on the way? That can also make things worse.

Just remember - children are like adults. They have their own personality, too. Some adults are shy and don’t like meeting new people. A child can be like that, too, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Your friend’s child is only two - it isn’t necessarily strange at all.

I dont think this is a big problem. I have seen children like this. when they grow little bigger that will be fine. May be the child spend all the time with his mommy from the bigning…

The child needs to know that if he leaves you temporarily (or vice versa), you will be back. It sounds like there wasn’t security or confidence instilled as an infant, maybe the baby had too many care-givers, never achieved a sense of security in his/her world. That can change. And probably will.

good luck.

she was a single mom for his first 4-5months as I remember, and whenever she go she usually hide away and disappear, so this could be one reason… but now hes 2yrs and he’s left with his stepdad(he is very attached to him!) whenever she goes and she goes out every night before his bed time for her work…!!!

u should see this to know what I exactly mean cos like all the kids, including ones younger than him can have fun in the room in front and he’d stick to his mom holding to her dress… he refuse to go even when things that usually tempt him is made available there!

she once went to a fair and couldn’t look thru any items as he was clinging to her she had to go home!