insects help!

anyone know the poi format for insects?

I dont think there’s a format. You can write ten points about insects in general (have 3 parts, study of insects is entymology etc), and for each insect write 10 points. I’d include scientific names, and which order they belong to (hymenoptera, lepidoptera etc).

Actually I was planning one day to do POIs based on the Order, with info on the order, then info on different insects within the order. I learned entymology in detail in 2nd Year Zoology at Uni, and thought it would be something I’d what my bubs to know. And it would be good to refresh myself as I cant remember much!! NOt that I mind if someone gets to it first. Lepidoptera I’m sure is moths and butterflies, which HeyBlue41 seems to be doing.

thanks : ) was just hoping someone knew the exact doman format

Have a look at other POI posts in the free download section, especially heyblues pois. But basically, you have a simple picture of one thing, and on the back of your 11 by 11 inch white cardboard with pic stuck in middle, you write 10 increasingly more difficult bits of info, generally a one-liner. Usually start with the subject, like monet’s full name was…, then Monet lived from whenever to whenever. Monet painted however many paintings in his lifetime. Because you arent reading them out all at once, so each time you read a sentence on it’s own, it has to say the subject.

Here is one example, but there are many other options

  1. Pterygota/apterygota (winged/not winged)
  2. Classification of the particular insect (family)
  3. Size and or weight of the insect
  4. In what way is this insect useful to humans? (food, pollination etc)
  5. Are there any human diseases spread by this insect? (malaria and so on)
  6. How does the insect survive - what means of protection does it have (eg camoflage, stings)
  7. What does the insect eat?
  8. Where does this type of insect live? (eg lakes, underground etc)
  9. How does the insect care for its young or ensure that a certain number of young survive) (eg This insect lays huge numbers of eggs in a type of nest)
  10. How do these insects communicate?

The Doman format is:

  1. interesting fact about the insect
  2. diet of the insect
  3. an interesting fact about when the insect is active or part of its anatomy
    4.Where the insect is found (habitat)
  4. Where in the world is the insect found
  5. an interesting fact about the larval stage of the insect.
  6. size of the insect
  7. an interesting fact about the insect
  8. an interesting fact about the insect
  9. scientific name (class, order, family, genus, species)

xoxo I love you!!!