Infant Swimming Class & Video Clip

Saw these clips tonight and was pretty amazed! I know people do the Doman swim program but we never had access to a pool during the winter months. My son let me dunk him last summer but not this summer, I guess it’s been too long. These classes look really neat, you can input your zipcode to find an instructor near you.

Really these clips are awesome. Kids love such fun activities more than anything.


I enrolled Ella in weekly swimming lessons last month. Although she is technically no longer a baby, I am still impressed by how fast she is learning. By the 2nd lesson, she learned how to float on her back. By the 3rd lesson, she learned how to turn around and swim towards the wall if ever she fell into the pool accidentally. She is now able to swim halfway across the pool while coming up for air intermittently. In her swimming class, there are even younger babies who are able to do these and more. These kids are amazing!

Is it true that the instructor repeatedly lets the child/baby sinks into the pool and pulls itself up ? I saw some lessons videos on youtube and they are very hard to watch!
One article online even calls it child abuse :confused:

My son did the ISR swim class this summer. Yes it is difficult for me to watch. At one year my son learned how to flip himself over and BREATH every time he was in the water. The consistant training works, a child this young needs to learn how not to drown . Our son entered the water fully clothed head first, sideways, feet first, all sorts of ways and he instinctively rolled until his he floated with his head up and breathed. I don’t think this is child abuse, a person would have to see the class to realize this. The kids in the normal swim class right next to us cried more than my son and they were in their moms arms. BTW the class session is done with one on one ratio for only 10 mins per class 5 days a week for 4-6 weeks.

Oops, I didn’t mean to imply that Ella is doing the ISR swim class. She is in a Total Immersion Swim School and they use really fun techniques to teach the babies and toddlers water safety and swimming. :smiley:

It is very much possible. The water is home to the baby who has just spent 9 months swimming. It is a great form of exercise. I wish I would have started my son sooner. I read “how to teach your baby to swim” by Douglas Doman (Glenn Doman’s son) at 7 months and started him right away. The first time he was in a big pool after I read the book he floated all by himself. I just followed what the book says to do and it’s true babies can swim and float. He is now 17months old we swim 4-6x a week at the YMCA. He can swim pretty far on his own, open his eyes under water, hold his breath, jump in, drive, come up for air on his own and continue swimming, float, and is totally comfortable and loves it. It uses all his muscles and he is so healthy because he excerises everyday. It is great for him now and the future. If your interested you should by the book and get in the pool! It really is so fun and a great bounding time, and I am proud to say I taught him (even though it is natural for babies). Hope that helps!

I am totally impressed and this is on my list of things to do with my kids!

What a great site! My DD loves the water but is awfully frightened by the thought of me or my husband letting her go, even for a second. I haven’t got my dd enrolled in any professional swimming lessons yet, unfortunately I have been putting it off due to other commitments. I know of this website that gives free swim lessons online with printable lesson plans I plan to use the help of this site until I find the time to fit in a professional swim class, giving the lessons to my dd during bath time. This is also a great site for those who are on a low income and can’t quite yet afford swimming lessons for their child/ren.

I’m glad I could help :slight_smile: I don’t know if you stay home or not with you child, but if you do you don’t need to pay for lessons at all just take him yourself. and even if you do work maybe you can work swimming in at other times but it does need to be pretty often to see improvement. The magic is in the child not in your swimming teaching so you can do it!

Hi All !

My 13m/o girl has gone to the pool at my condo at 7 months, & regularly goes about 5x/week.
she always uses a neck float or her dad will hold her at her armpit & she will kick in the water.
I had always wanted to get the Doman’s book on swimming but abit scared of letting her go.
Do you think I can still apply the book technique after she has been on the float for 6 months ?
Thx for any helpful info !