Infant Stimulation Cards

I remember when I was pregnant, someone told me about putting a black and white display over my baby’s crib for stimulation. I hadn’t heard about that before, so I didn’t do it. Now I wonder what the difference could have been if I had. Like
ZaJa, I definitely think I will with my next one, too.

Wow, Pupisek! Your work is amazing. The room looks wonderful! I could look at the wall all day if I had a room like yours! :slight_smile:

that’s really nice.

I believed in Visual Stimulation Flashcards, in fact, I made my own version last year and selling it in the market. You use the flashcards during your babies’ waking hours. Show the flashcard from the right side of his vision to the left, then up and down. Observe the movements of his eyes. If you see that he’s eyes are not following the flashcards, you might want to see an eye doctor. Stimulating your babies’ vision will improve their focus. My baby is almost 3yrs old now, I used it during her first 6mos. Now she is very curious and a keen observer. :yes:

When my baby was 6 month old we moved from the USA to Czech Republic to live so I left everything in Miami (it just did not fit into the luggage). And I never re-made it again at home in Czech republic. So I stopped showing her infant stimulation cards at 6 month of her age.
I think you can stimulate baby in many other ways at that age anyway… :smiley:

Great work the the effect is awesome …

We stopped using them when my dd ripped them off the wall. lol

I had several on the wall of her change table. I didn’t put any near her sleeping areas because I want her to rest there.

She loved having them but eventually got old enough to just pull them off.

Hi there,
what type of stimulation card I can use for my 8 month old baby.Till now I haven’t used any cards. Is it too late to start showing cards?

I missed the infant stimulation cards for my son during his golden BB time :frowning:
Now I just wonder and wanna to know … is stimulation cards still useful for children 3 yrs? (he has some eye problem … Amblyopia -lazy eye)
Hope any mom can give the opinion. Will it still helpful for him at this age?

that was really awesome pupisek.Great job indeed.Can u tell me from when on the cards has to be shifted from B&W to Red,and from red to other colors?

Infant estimulation cards are recommened up to 4 months of age.


It may be too late to show infant estimulation cards to your 8 month old baby, but you can start showing him some other type of cards like words and BIT (pictures). Which one you start with will depend on which method you want to follow.


Has you eye doctor recommended any kind of exercises for your baby’s eye? I have the same problem and when I was a child I had to cover the “good eye” with an eye patch and go through the newspaper and with a pen fill up the o’s :blink: I’m not sure if they have come with new technics or if they have discovered if there is anything you can do about lazy eyes.

Actually my son had the eye operation last year. Doctor had adjusted corrected his eye about 80% to the center. His eye able to concentrate in middle after the operation. But, after one year … he left eye get back to “lazy” again. So, now doctor advice patching his eye to force his eye exercise and observe the condition (2nd operation may need if patching cann’t help).
Tracking actually is a good eye exercise. It help my son to use his both eye (but i need to hold his head firm when tracking exercise …hahhahah) As i know, now got one simple machine in the market which help to exercise our eye for this kind of problem.

Wow! I didn’t know there was a surgery for it now (I guess I’m getting old lol ) The good thing about it is that there is nothing aesthetics about it.

Pupisek, I too think your work is truly admirable and inspiring. Hearty Congratulations!
I wish I had put in similar effort for my little one. He is now 10 months old.

Can you suggest till what age do we show these bw images. And in which age period do we show him flash cards.
And is there any more kind of cards or whatever.

Btw, thanks for sharing the pics.

Dear shilpa_v,
I think you should never regret what you COULD do for your baby and did not do, you should always think about what you CAN do for your baby NOW and in the future. It is never too late to start!!!
It is recommended to show these B/W images in first weeks and months of life of your baby because its vission is immature. I am not exactly sure when to start showing black/white/red patterns and continue adding more colors, but from 3-4 month of age the vission is already immature enough to start showing regular picture flashcards.

My new bub is nearly six weeks and I have used black and white patterned shirts, skirts, bags, wrapping paper and a chess board for bub to look at, as I can move these about, like hanging the shirt or bag over the side of her swing…

can anyone recommend any books about stimulation? (The black and white stimulation.)

thank you

I found this site

and is very nice to hear that even we haven’t done the infant stimulation cards everything is fine and I don’t have to feel guilty we’ve missed something :slight_smile: