Independent reading at 19 months-Eaton

Few days ago Eaton grabbed a book I created for him when he was born. This book is about our garden. When Eaton was reading he missed few pages with sentences but this is the idea what Eaton is doing at this point in his live. Just want to share. :slight_smile:

This is SO CUTE!! I love that you have him nakey! I have a 21 month old and he runs around nakey most of the time. I’ve been flashing cards for my son since he was 9 months but he’s not at this level yet. Please tell me, when did you start making books for him? How many books have you made for him? This is very encouraging for me. Thank you for posting this!

By the way someone just pointed to me that there is a mistake in a tomato word! I’m still learning my spelling (English is my second language;-)


My baby is naked most of the time because we live in Hawaii and it’s hot in the house. Beside that, we potty train him and he doesn’t like wearing diapers anymore :slight_smile:

I started to create books when Eaton was about 10-11 months. At the beginning I created A4 books, about 10 of them. After that I switched to 5"x 7". The reason is that I use a laminating machine and they have only these 2 sizes of laminating pouches in Hawaii. I switched to smaller sizes about few months after introducing A4 books because Eaton was reading smaller font already. But, like you see he still loves these big books.

If you want to create more books and you don’t know where to start you can download a lot of ppt.format Power Point) presentations and edit it to Doman format. Meaning one sentence on one page and pictures on the other. BrillKids has a lot of ppt and you can have bunch of books with different topics. Or you can Google “free kids power point presentations” to find more.

But babies likes personalized books about stuff they see around the house.

I hope that help.

You did a marvelous job on teaching your baby to read. How did you do it! Was it an everyday thing? I’m just starting to teach my 15 month old grandson, I’m hoping it’s not too late for him. Can you give me pointers?

He’s so cute. You’re doing a very good job!


Do you practice EC?

When did you start flashing cards for him then? did you move into couplets, or go straight to the books?

I use a ton of PPT for him. And I keep saying I’ll make books for him, and I get distracted. He’s probably very bored with single words now.

I watched your clip again this evening with my husband, it is so darn CUTE!

Thanks again!

He is so adorable! It’s funny because that’s how my son reads… he reads one or two words and misses the rest, flicks through a few pages and misses some. lol

congratulations :clown:

Please check my blog in few days. I will be posting everything I did with my baby. How I started, what books I created, how I was showing them, what programs I was using to teach reading.

For now I will say that I started when Eaton was about 2-3 months-simple word flaschards. Then, I introduce BrillKids about 7 months. I used curriculum 1 with Eaton. I didn’t care so much about couplets as I didn’t have time to create them. I thought that skipping that stage will not harm anyone. I moved straight to simple sentences instead and simple books.

Of course 15 months is not too late to start teaching the baby to read. This is perfect age and don’t be discourage if someone started to earlier. Your grandson can do it in no time.

One thing I would add is that: Please introduce alphabet through the sound (phonic) first then teach the baby name of the alphabet. Baby will start reading by himself/herself earlier if they will be taught phonics first.

I didn’t introduce EC yet to Eaton. If you think that baby is bored with single words introduce simple sentences. I didn’t see any complication in experience with Eaton when we skipped the stage of couplets. But that would be ideal Doman way of teaching reading. :slight_smile:

Thanks all :slight_smile:

Have you ever posted a video of your son? Would be great to see him reading. Watching babies how they read is so adorable :slight_smile:

Hi Martusia,

Thanks for your tip about the Human Anatomy Flip Chart. I went to my local Borders and got it for $5.99! :smiley: My daughter loves it! :biggrin:

I’m glad that someone actually used my idea!! Thank you

Great job Martusia! Eaton is very smart and gorgeous! :slight_smile:

He is just absolutely adorable! Your doing such a wonderful job teaching him :slight_smile:

it was really cute to see him reading…it was encouraging…thanks for the blog…can u tell me how to download from the

i am sure you heard i a lot , he is absolutely gorgeous . i wish you lived close , he could be a nice friend to my little one . it is amazing what babies can do . mine is so similar . and he loved watching your little one reading . oh by the way , i did ecing from birth , i actually catched the first poo and pee , but than i slacked , my baby was practically without diaper because like you we live in hot area , but i was busy with an older toddler sister, and a specialneed big sister that i couldn’t get him on the potty or respond to his cues all the time , instead i acknowledged when he communicated , and we talk a lot , but we swept a lot of pee off the floor , at some point when he got so mobile he rfused point the potty and did it all the time on the floor . than like a light bulb switched on he is now 22 months old , diaper free 24 hours , takes himself to the potty even at night and insist to empty the potty and rinse it after using it .
well of course i am happy but not when he sits on the potty at 2 in the morning and asks me to read him his books :frowning: not easy to get him back to bed .
i love so much this stage it makes you want to have another baby watching this one growing so fast .
thank you for sharing

What a great vid! Thanks for sharing!! :biggrin:

What a nice idea of making books about everyday life It surely is worth seeing the results.¡ Congratulations for what you have accomplish so far…

Keep the good work and keep us informed.

sorry for that late response but I didn’t get any confirmations about new posts.

I hope you figure it out how to print from If not: at the end of each flashcard session there is an option to print. Some early ones that were created long time ago don’t have that options though.


I hope my baby will click one of these days and starts to pee and poop in the potty instead of next to it :wink:

I’m glad you enjoyed Eaton’s video
have a GREAT DAY !!!