Increasing number of parents opting to have children school-homed

I just came across this article and decided that this would be the best place to share it. It’s supposed to be funny. Actually it is quite frightening. Sometimes I worry our society is heading in this direction.,17159/

I was very confused when I started reading this article, then I realized it’s from The Onion. Satire isn’t always funny is it? But it does get us thinking. Yeah, it is frightening that so many children don’t get what they need at home.

I was laughing at it too!

this is so sad it is scary! this is not at all funny because so many people do not realise that this is where we are heading

people dont want belive the idea that parents are best teacher for any kid and they cant think about a baby’s ability to learn during this time period of life as they cannot respond to us by word

WOW!!! seriously, I opted for homeschooling for many reasons other before I learnt about what homeschooling is and before I tallied the differences, pros and cons. But there was one thing that made me wonder about the negatives school can cause even educationally when a friend of mine explained to me that their youngest was soo stimulated and thus way above her level when she started grade school, that they had to tame her down!!! seriously!!! they did it, the well educated father and the well trained educator mom, called her down… instead of trying to find a way to teach her at her level.
The best part for me about homeschooling is the fact my son will learn at his own level, he could be way above in English, yet below his standard of math in his math ability and if homeschooled he has the opportunity to learn on his own space without feeling hes way too smart or dumb!
I wish I can force our government to agree with homeschooling. So far there is no law for it or against it, but now they are talking of passing a law that entitles children to be schooled!!!