In Need of Ideas for Flashcards

I’m hoping somebody can point me to a place where I can find lists of flashcard captions, English, any topic, I’m looking for 50,000! :ohmy:

What do you mean “flash card captions”? What do you need with 50,000?

I said captions because I didn’t know what else to call it. :biggrin:

I want lists like:


Just the text, no pictures, not in PPT or anything.

Why 50,000? Because I heard through the grapevine that a good Shichida flash card program involves 1000 new flashcards per month. If you had to have enough for 5 years, you’ll actually need 60,000 unique flashcards! But I said 50,000 to make it clear that I’m not after a list like first 1000 words, I need a lot more than that. I already have many ideas of my own, there’s lots of ideas on this site too, but nothing close to 60k!

Hmm…still not sure I understand what you are asking for, but I would look for some sort of online childrens dictionary/encyclopedia.

Go to Wikipedia and get pages that list out things like species of penguins, wild cats, domestic dog species, planets in the solar system, countries by continent, books in the bible, titles of popular nursery rhymes, mother goose stories, elements of the periodic table, etc…

If you only need the words and not a picture, then it should be easy to get at least the first 5000 words, you know?
After that, get a “My first 1000 Words” book and go through the index, get a “Big Book of Mammals/Birds/Insects/Reptiles” etc and just take words from the index so you don’t have to painstakingly read through the whole thing. Get 1st-4th grade math and science books and take words from the indices, find lists/vocabulary covered by theme so that should easily put you up to ~2500 unique words. Then maybe get specialized on the things your boy loves, a list of construction machines, tools in the home improvement store, hobby tools, animals in the pet shop, parts of a car…etc.

I can imagine getting about ~10,000 words if you are very thorough.

Thank you mom2bee, you have some really good ideas!

My goal is to create a master list of categories and their entries, typically 8~10 entries per category, for the sake of organizing ideas before starting to create such a large set of flashcards. Creating, organizing and using 60k flashcards will be imposable to keep track of without such a list, it will be my first step in this project.

Thus far, I’ve created and downloaded a very random mess of cards, keeping track and using them in future lessons (revision, adding other languages, facts, etc) is an even crazier mess.

Other good examples of lists or at least categories can be seen on the “Gentle Revolution Press” website:

So in short, I want lists in a text only document for now, but I do plan in making them into image flashcards over the next 5 years.

Here is a set of 100 animal word flash cards with pictures.
Birds of North America
She has lot of free flashcard sets
Thought these will be helpful not sure you already have them. I will keep looking for more. :slight_smile:

Thanks Shubhi! They are lovely, cute pictures for the animals too!

Here is list of A -Z wild animals
you are looking for 50,000 words in total from different categories right? Like art, animals, nature etc?

Yes, anything that can be represented clearly with an image - animals, paintings, machines, mountains are all good.

Thank you for the list - there’s many! :blink:

A characteristic that I would like the list to have is that it’s all interlinked. If I have a list of “Apple Varieties” (Golden delicious, Granny Smith etc) I would want to link that with the fact that Apples are Pome Fruit, creating a category of Pome Fruit (Apples, Pairs, etc)

Also, I don’t want too long lists of the same thing. There are hundreds of Apple Varieties, but I would maybe just pick the top 8 most famous ones. So this list gets a bit tricky, but it’s aiming to be of more use to the little ones learning from it.

Wow! That “all animals” list you gave have many nice images for each animal too, very good link indeed :slight_smile: