important Q plzz need help

hey ppl i’m so happy and excited
but can not believe its realy true and one day i found my baby reading

but i’ve avery important Q and really want ur help!!!

english is not my first tongue , arabic it’s my one and we speak it al the time around my baby
when i teach him english is that ok or it will make him confuesed

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me 2 be proud like u guys

Salam Sister,

I’ve been interacting with my baby in many languages since he was born. Arabic is also our main language. We are following a schedule to speak different languages so he doesn’t get confused. He is now almost 1 year old and I realized he understands me clearly when I tell him the same expressions in different languages. As he is starting to speak, he can now, for examle, say “bee” when it’s the English day; and “abeille” when it is the French day. You may follow these guidelines to make sure he doesn’t get confused:

  • Use the same material to teach him: translated books that you buy (Eric Carle’s are my favorite) or that you make yourself. Try to make simple books with one word per page followed by a picture of it. Use real images (not cartoon) and use a big marker.

  • For different languages, use the same images in flashcards, LR or the same DVD series (Little Pim for example)

  • Talk to him a LOT, in simple sentences with repetition and parentese, even if English is not your first language.

  • Follow a simple schedule: for example, weekdays for Arabic and weekend for English. Google mL@H for more info.

Hope this helps

thx for ur replay
but i think it’s too hard to make him understand that guideline
or even get the days
my son too is 1 year but he can’t speak only afew words he’s tring so i found him confused
for ex. today i teach him dog and cat … there were other kids when they saw the flash they say dog and cat but ib arabic he stopped and can’t get it

so i wanna try it ib arabic ut there is aprob;
1- arabic is very rich ,eng iso sample
2- what kind of arabic i can teach him arabic or egyption tongue

plz keep in touch i’m really happy to know u and lookig to know more about ur experience

First, I’d like to mention that you should never underestimate your baby’s capabilities. Comparing him to others -who have started an early reading program at 3 or 4 months- may only discourage you. Those have been taught the words “cat” and “dog” hundreds of times. Plus, your baby’s first words are more likely to be in Arabic, the language that he has been listening to for a year. Try simple words like بطة، ماء، باب، الخ.

Concerning the dialect you will be using with your baby, I’d assume that you normally speak to him in Egyptian. But when you show him flashcards, it is highly recommended to use the classical Arabic. You can even schedule a time when you speak to him in fus’ha فصحى. Let him listen to Qur’an, there is no better way to get him used to perfect grammar, pronunciation, etc. Check this link out for more info:

So you can consider yourself teaching your baby 3 languages: Arabic fus’ha, dialectal Arabic (Egyptian) and English :slight_smile: That’s totally fine for any baby. You can read the Brillbaby and Little Pim websites to know more about right brain education, multilingualism and early learning. Please take your time to read thoroughly. The information is very clear and will help you a lot to set up a suitable program for your baby.

Please don’t hesitate to ask more questions if you need so.


thx again for ur care it’s really make me feel that i’m not alone
thx 4 the post that make me very proud, i though only chines ppl can figure prog like that but now
i’s sad to think that and sorry

i make an arabic lessons using LR software flash word and vedio it’s the same pic and vedio that i use in teaching english is that ok ??? and after reading the article i understand more and get that i have 2 make day or make his dad talking english with him and i keep n arabic ??? or no need it’s ok talking all the time around him in arabic but keep on teaching english ???

plz teel more about ur baby ,ur plan ,time and everything
thx again

Wa Alaykum Assalam,

I’m glad that things are getting clearer now :slight_smile: You know, babies are universal, no matter what’s their culture, as long as they are taken care of the right way, they can thrive amazingly.

To answer to your questions:

1- Please keep on using the same pictures and videos for both languages. That<s how the baby will make a connection between the different words and knows, for example, that frog = ضفدعة
2- It’s better to choose one method and stick to it, it’s either the OPOL (one language one person), or on schedule (as I am doing with my baby). You can also keep talking all the time in Arabic and just teach him English. But remember, he is less likely to master the latter language. He needs some kind of immersion and learning reinforcement. My advise would be, try to start with one day per week to speak English with him and see how it goes.

To know more about the program I am doing with my baby, you can check out my blog (address found in my signature). I’ll be posting more frequently the coming days in sha’ Allah. I’ll be really glad if you follow it.

hi a_bc how u doinj i hope u great??

thx 4 ur caring and advice
i start aprog 4 days ago after reading so many articles and i pray to allah to help me and see any good

but i still worried not waitinj for real thinj but i will keep on and see

do u think it will be ok if i teach him arabic in morning and eng in noon oe make it weekday or what??

he like the LR but he is so movement …

tell me more about urself where u from ,what is ur main tongue and how is ur baby now??
do u try LM ??? i am thinking about

Salam Sister!

I’m good al-hamdulillah. Hope you too!

Well, I have few comments on your last post;

1- Try not to expect immediate results. It is preferable not to test your baby at all. Relax and enjoy this beautiful experience with him. You will see the benefit in sha’ Allah in few months.

2- All babies move a lot :slight_smile: Try to start your lesson when he has just waken up and still calm, or after his meals. It is up to u to find the trick that works. I sometime breasteed him while he watches LR / LM. That works wonderfully! :smiley:

To answer to your questions:

1- it is best to find a schedule that works for your family and stick to it.
2- LM is definitely worth it. I highly recommend it. It is the best flashcard math program I’ve seen so far.
3- I am from the country where the Arabic Revolution started :slight_smile: So oh yeah I am proud to be Arab :wink:
BTW, my baby is doing great, al- hamdu-lillah. I hope yours too.

I edited the link above to Arabic resources on my blog, here it is in case you miss it:

Hmm this is something to really think about. Thanks thread starter. English is my first language and as much as I would love to teach my son arabic…I don’t know it. I know a few words but even still my hubby and I only speak English. I think for now, I will teach what I know and enroll him in either an arabic class for young kids or Quran class for young kids.

p.s. I agree with A_BC please don’t compare your child(ren) to other child(ren) you’ll end of like me…frustrated and almost ready to give up before my child is even born. Just breathe, relax, and do what you can and not try to be like everyone else. But its nothing wrong with taking advice from others especially those who trailed the path before you but don’t get upset if your child(ren) does not end up like theirs. (constant reminder to myself first)

hey thx honey ur really an angle

i will take ur advice and see
realy from tunis i like tunis so much i really wanna see it one day

um not compare but i blame myself when i see it’s my fault that i gat busy in nathing not aware
that there’s new way of thinking
i keep on thinking that all he need gat feed ad sleep weel and be healthy just that so… i really wanna
be ready to teach him as fast i can

i ask u if it’s ok if i teach him both in same day or make it eng 3 days and arabic 3 days???///
i am from egypt 2nd country and proud

Salam Sister,

Nice to meet an Egyptian Mom :slight_smile: Yeah, this is another revolution but for babies this time :smiley:

Don’t worry about catching up on early learning, you still have time and the window for right brain education is still wide open till approximately 6 years! Just relax and enjoy teaching your baby.

To answer to your question, I think that you know best. Just choose a schedule that’s easy for you to stick to. If you think it may be boring for you to speak in English during a whole day, than just do it for a few hours. When you’ll get used to it, you can increase the duration.
