Importance of Vitamin D

I know my parents gave me vitamin D supplements 50 years ago, and this was before everyone was afraid of the sun. I have really strong bones. :slight_smile: Vitamin D deficiencies is thought by some to be responsible for autism. People are going in the sun less and wearing sun screen when they do. The sun is the major source for vitamin D and vitamin D is very important.

thank you for sharing.

Interesting…I still give my 2 year old the vita D baby drops. My girlfriends think I’m being paranoid but who cares? I do a lot of things that people think are weird (YBCR, LR, LM, etc, etc.). But I know I’m in good company there! Ha ha!

Vitamin D was recommended by our pediatrician before my daughter turned 6 month. But she never liked the vit D supplement. She spit out…even though sometimes we mixed it in her food. :frowning: Then we forget it. Now, we feed her yogurt almost every day and she likes it. Also, bring her out to the sun whenever it’s possible. :slight_smile:

Interesting! I think I’m going to go out and buy some for my son. He has very mild autism. Maybe it would help. I guess it cant hurt

I take out my son in morning sun. I shall also supplement with vit d.

can anyone suggest food easily available and good in vit D?

Thanks for the reminder :slight_smile:
I happend to come across this article on the LLLi site… so I thought I share :slight_smile:

Interesting article - thanks. We have given our kids vit. d since birth & still do. We also try to use common sense when it comes to the sun. We do not use sunscreen unless we will be out for a while & it is hot. We are careful to avoid sunburns & gradually tan through the summer. This reinforces my beliefs.

Yep, I too recently learned about the importance of Vit D. D3, in particular. What many people don’t realize is that it’s actually a hormone.

It apparently has incredible positive effects all around for a person’s well-being.

I would encourage everyone to look into it. I can confidently say that more than 95% of us are Vitamin D deficient.

thanks a lot for the info
i try taking my girls out in the sunshine every day
i use sunscreen and a hat
(worried about ageing and all :laugh: )
do you think that means we are not getting enough vit d?

I haven’t had a chance to check it out myself yet, but this site on Vitamin D was recommended to me:

thank kmum i will be sure to check it out

If well adults and adolescents regularly avoid sunlight exposure, research indicates a necessity to supplement with at least 5,000 units (IU) of vitamin D daily. To obtain this amount from milk one would need to consume 50 glasses. With a multivitamin more than 10 tablets would be necessary. Neither is advisable.The skin produces approximately 10,000 IU vitamin D in response 20–30 minutes summer sun exposure—50 times more than the US government’s recommendation of 200 IU per day!

so sunlight it is
the link still did not say how much sunscreen one could use and still get the vit D they need :confused:

by the way thanks kmum for posting on this site
i’m trying to get my 50 post in time to use my points
but it’s harder to post on this site :frowning:

We use to give our children vitamins but nowadays they don’t consider that important. I am forwarding this page to my son to check with my grandson’s pediatrician.
I take vitamin D and go to the sun as often as i can because i was detected with osteopenia that means that my bones are not well. My mother had this and her height was reduced dramatically and that brought other problems.
I think we may consider giving vitamins so they will be in good foot when adults.

Karma to you for posting this page.

Thank you.