Image on flash cards

Hello everyone,

Quick question, when you create flashcards for your baby do you also put an image on the back of the card? My baby is less than two months and i am not really sure how well he will see the picture and if there is any point to adding the picture. Also a friend told me that in the Glenn Doman method, that you are not suppose to add a picture. I am curious as to what others are doing.

Thanks in advance.

You can if you like, it’s totally up to you. I prefer to show pictures/videos because it teaches the meaning of the words along with the “how” of reading. When Glenn Doman wrote his book, there was no Little Reader and technology to help us deliver flashcards. If you have not done so already, I highly recommend downloading the free two week trial of Little Reader. Making flash cards by hand gets OLD! lol So it;s nice to have the curriculum pre-made for you, and if you like to use paper flashcards because it’s your preference, you can still print them out and show them the old fashioned way. Best of luck!

When Glen Doman composed his publication, there was no Little Audience and technological innovation to help us produce flashcards. If you have not done so already, I suggest getting the no cost two few days test of Little Audience.

I tried teaching my baby to read from around 6 months with a pure Doman method with homemade cards, it didn’t look asif my baby was learning anything, he wasn’t interested and I wasn’t motivated to continue making cards. Started LR a month ago, my baby cries for more and has learned lots of new words and he “reads” over 40 words allready, so for us, adding pictures, videos and convenience made all the difference in the world.