I'm proud of my little angel!

I’m in a rush to go out, but wanted to post this because I’m really proud of my 20month old!

Well, compared to a lot of babies here, she probably hasn’t done much but for me it’s a huge step and I’m really happy.

My daughter is an active little girl who is really into everything. I posted her a few days ago as I was concerned that despite trying every method I knew, to teach her colours, everything was ‘blue’! She didn’t seem like she was picking up anything i was teaching her, she wouldn’t sit still for LR, she couldn’t sight read, despite the fact that she loves watching your baby can read, she couldn’t name any shapes… so I thought!

She decided to surprise us yesterday. First we were at KFC and she started to count from one to ten in sequence, over and over. She could count a bit before but would miss out some, but she did it perfectly yesterday. Then last night, she was reading a book with her dad and she started to point to shapes and name them, including heart and diamond! She had never even named circle in the past. I had downlaoded an App on my iphone with a game of shapes for toddlers a few months ago which I stopped playing with her as she would just keep tapping all the shapes randomly, but I decided to show it to her yesterday, it would applaud and give a cheer if she got it right, (and boy, does she love an applause!) she started to play it and we realized she would point to shapes like crescent and hexagon! At first we assumed it was just pure luck, but she did it over and over, I could have screamed!!!

of course she soon realized how excited we were, so she started making mistakes on purpose!

I feel really encouraged, that even though she seems disinterested most of the time, she really does learn. And i know there’re other parents here that feel bad that their babies aren’t doing much, trust me, they are learning, in their own time, they’ll show you what they know. some babies like mine just don’t want the attention, they don’t want to be quizzed or put under pressure. I think as long as they think its all just fun, they’ll do much better.

Congrats! I know you feel good right now. Hard work always pays off. It’s so important to continue what you are doing even though you don’t see results. Babies are always absorbing everything, but only show us what they know in their own time.

Congratulations, Zoe22!
What an amazing post!
Time to time we need a reminder like that!
It gets difficult at times to keep going on with the program without seeing immediate results :yes:


I can’t imagine how excited you are. The thing with babies is that we just have to continually put stuff into them and we never know when or what will come out. They do the cutest, most amazing things. Teaching your baby is all about trusting that they are getting stuff and you are not wasting your time.

Years ago I was teaching my 6 year old adding doubles such as 1+1 and so forth. I made up a song and we were singing it during the day. In the evening for the sake of it I sang it to my then almost 2 year old. She knew all the answers and I wasn’t even teaching her! Babies are little learning machines. They can learn so much. Congrats, again and I am sure you are going to be teaching with a passion now. :slight_smile:

Congratualtion!! Thank you for sharing.

Well done to your little Angel and you for your persistence Zoe!

Karma to you! :nowink:

Thanks a lot everyone. She continues to amaze me everyday! She is also starting to name other colours apart from blue! She hasn’t been naming the colours appropriately but at least she knows there are other colours, she would open a book and call out green, pink, purple etc even though she might be pointig to White! But it’s a big step as she would only say blue.

I’m so glad I didn’t give up.

Hello Zoe,

I just read the cutest book for teaching colors. I really love it. I got it at my library. It is called Lemons Are Not Red. It is such a cute and clever book, simple and it reinforces colors for little ones. I hope you get a chance to read it.

Hi there,
I am another proud mother lol .
There are 2 videos of my 11months old baby girl. I hope we are doing it right :yes:
Is it OK to work with letters or it’s better use whole words?



Great job with your kiddo! I have truly learned that they would demonstrate their learning in their own time as your baby showed you. Keep at it, input input input! Great job Momma!

Congrats zoe22 and lelask,

You post is really encouraging !

I sometime loose my patience and think of throwing everything
away of these early learning materials.

Posts like this helps a lot comeback on track.

Karma to you !

  • Kreena