I'm new and excited

My name is Apryl. I have a 2 year old son named Joel and another on the way. Let me just say a little about us. Joel was born at 24 weeks gestation and spent 3 months in the NICU. He did far better than expected and has had no long-term effects from his pre-term birth. I’ve been working on reading with him for a few months now and am so excited to see that I’m not alone. I haven’t been very consistent with teaching him, so I hope this will help me to stay on track. I haven’t purchased any software yet, so I’d be interested in hearing from anyone who has and if it was worth it (vs. just downloading the flashcard files). Thanks,

Hi welcome to the forum,
Here we can exchange information about our kids, to help other parents to resolve some situations, we learn from other parents also, I do download stuff, it is excelent, kids love learning by playing with pictures and sounds.
have fun

Hi and welcome to the forums. It’s great to have you here! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!

AprylP, I just found this website myself and I am loving it. Finally a place to go where I do not feel judged over stimulating my baby with reading and math games.

I started with handmade Doman Flashcards and dots. DD likes them, but does get bored sometimes.

I purchased the YBCR about a month ago. I like it because it helps with MY Motivation. Not sure if it was necassarily worth the cost because of the exchange and shipping made it about 50% more. Thankfully dd does watch the videos and likes the sliding cards. I found most of the cards to be repeats of my handmade Doman flashcards. If I would have know about this website before I bought YCBR, I might not have purchased it. Yet, sometimes buying something to keep myself going is helpful.

I really really like the powerpoint presentations on this website. I just started showing them to dd about a week ago and so far she is still mesmermized by them. She loves to tap the space bar to see the next slide and is really watching the screen for the next word. She has a huge smile on her face with the slideshows that come with sound. For me, it is a break from flashing cards and saying words.

If you are asking my opinion, I would start with downloading the free stuff and then when Joel gets bored of that you will have more experience and knowledge to make the next move. Good Luck.

Hi Aprylp,
welcome to the forum.Feel free to ask questions if u have any.This is really informative forum.
have fun. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome to this fantastic forum!

I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts. Please feel free to browse around. Also please feel free to join your country of origin board, This will help you get connected with other like minded parents from your country but also give you a place where you can talk freely about issues related to early education, and activites in which you may be able to get your child/ren involved in