If you did not breastfed your baby at all or until 4 month old, tell us why?

We have read about the importance of breastfeeding. The longer the better.
I understood that at least until 6 month old there where many benefits not only for your baby but also for the mother.

It is said that women that bresatfeed their babies loose weight faster than those who did not.
On the other hand just recently someone told me that a breastfeeding mom starves more for sweets (candy, cakes, etc) while breastfeeding. Sometimes even if she eats too much chocolate, she can transmit it to her baby and some pimples will appear on her baby’s face.

So maybe there are some people that think that breastfeeding in not good or at least not as important as they say.

Here we will like to hear your opinion and some of the reasons why you did not or could not breastfeed your baby at all . if you breastfeed some days or month less than 4 month (being in favor of breastfeeding) will also help those moms to avoid situations where this can occur.

hi 2010bebes,
i breast fed my boy for 1year and 9 or 10 months. but i dint starve for sweets at all during the course. and i havent heard of such cravings for sweet… its very new to me.
have a peaceful mind and stay calm and believe that you will have enough milk to feed the baby. this is what i heard from my doctors and i suggest the same to my students(I’m handling parenting classes). and this really works .

Hi, I’m still breastfeed my baby now. I did not crave for any food during breastfeeding. I guess because breastfeeding mummies will feel hungrier because of burned calories while nursing.

I agreed what we eat will transmit to baby. That’s why we need to take more nutritious food so our baby can benefit from our breast milk.

Although my milk supply drops after starting work, I still continue to nurse. It’s very important to rest enough to maintain good milk supply :slight_smile:

I definitely support breastfeeding. There are numerous benefits. While i can think of are: expopsure to different taste in breast milkk, ultimate relationship with baby during nursing, touch connection, and etc. However, please do not discouraged if can’t nurse until 6 months old. We are still a great mum no matter we have breast milk or not.

I breastfed both my girls for 3 months with plans on doing it longer but never worked with either of them.

No 1 reasons for not breastfeeding. I had a number of issues with an abundant supply of milk at the start and I was never able to get Miss S attached properly as I had so muh milk my nipple went flat and with contilnually expressing the first bit off to get a nipple I then had grazed nipples because she did not attach properly so I fed with the nipple shield. Because the breast was then not getting enough stimulation to produce more milk my supply dropped off til almost nothing and then trying to get it back up was hell and after a week of her waking every hour for a feed I put her on the bottle and presto happy baby. I also have my period return very quickly even though I am exclusively breastfeeding. My period returned with in 6 weeks of having miss S I also noticed then a big drop in my supply of milk, the formula I used is s-26 gold with miss s

I also never felt comfortable breastfeeding, I really don’t like it, I feel no extra special bond with my child like other women do and with all the trouble I had plus trying to find some where private to breastfeed so I could relax enough to actually do it. I just gave up.

Second baby. Also abundant supply of milk much more comfortable breastfeeding this time but she was a bit refluxy and chucked almost every time I fed her. After a no. of trips to the dr, who told me she did not have reflux (She still chucks even now and she is 5months if she is fed from the bottle) and no weight gain and I am wound up like a spring hoping that each time I fed her she would keep it down. She went to feeding every two hours and only taking a little bit each time. My period returned at 8 weeks and my supply also once again took a dive. This time I went on Domeperidone to boost it which worked. By this time though My DD2 had decided that she did not want to be breastfed anymore and no matter what I did she would not get back on. I put her on the bottle and she was and still is extremely fussy with that too. She still chucks her formula and I have gone through several formulas with her the s-26 did not agree with her, she did not like the Karicare and now I am on to the Nan by Nestle. I put her on solids at 3 1/2 4 months due to the fact I just could not get milk into her. SHe has farex mixed with formula and she wolfs it down like you would not believe and I you know what she keeps her food down. Which is nice.